6.04am entered the park. As guides are not allowed to accompany the visitors I had to drive in by myself.
6.05am A herd of 17 Spotted Deer between park entrance and Kone Gaha Ela.
6.19am 3 Spotted Deer at Thammanna Wala.
6.21am one adult male Buffalo at Kalagedi Bokkuwa.
6.33am a male Spotted Deer antler between Palu Kola Wala and Gal Wanguwa.
6.38am 4 Wild Buffalo including newly born calf at Maradanmaduwa.
6.39am 32 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
6.40am 6 more Spotted Deer at “Kukukkatu Pitiya” in Maradanmaduwa.
7.19am 2 Spotted Deer at Kuruttupandi Villu.
7.24am 8 Spotted Deer, a Mugger Crocodile and 2 buffalo at Kudapatessa.
7.29am 2 Mugger Crocodiles at Mahapatessa.
7.30am a Barking Deer and 4 Spotted Deer at Mahapatessa.
7.40am 6 Spotted Deer between Demata Wila and Lunu Wewa.
8.08am 12 Spotted Deer and a sounder of 13 Wild Boar at Kumbuk Wila Pitiya.
8.53am 15 Spotted Deer at Tala Wila.
9.00am 8 Spotted Deer at Tala Wila.
10.15am an adult male Sambhur on the road to Manikrala Uraniya.
10.44am a Mugger Crocodile at Mana Wila.
10.52am one Sambhur between Mana Wila sand patch and Down Hall pitiya.
11.00am one Elephant feeding on the Sedge plants growing in the water at Illanda Motte.
11.25am a Crested Serpent Eagle bathing in a small pool of water at Kuruttupandi Villu.
11.30am a troop of Grey Langur making alarm calls at Kuruttupandi upper road.
12.28pm a sounder of 8 Wild Boar and a Mugger Crocodile at Eriyakkulampooval
12.55pm 2 Flapshell Turtles and 2 Spotted Deer at Borupan Wila.
12.58pm a Barking Deer ran across the road at Borupan Wila.
1.03pm a troop of Grey Langur on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
1.55pm about 12 Spotted Deer at Aalam Villu.
1.57pm an Elephant feeding on plants growing in the water at Panikkar Villu.
2.22pm 15 Spotted Deer at Tala Wila.
2.28pm an adult male Wild Boar and 2 Spotted Deer at Kombansanchaipooval.
2.32pm 2 Spotted Deer at Panikkar Villu.
2.54pm a Giant Squirrel between Kokkare Villu and Kuruttupandi Villu.
3.13pm a Sambhur between Mahapatessa and Thimbiri Wila.
3.52pm 27 Spotted Deer at Thimbiri Wila.
3.59pm 5 Spotted Deer at Kokkare Villu.
4.28pm one Leopard at Kuruttupandi Villu. N 08.43673, E 079.98171
The Leopard was sleeping on the edge of the forest with its back towards the villu. Despite there being many safari jeeps they were kind enough to give me space to park where I had a good view of the sleeping feline. Thank fully the female leopard raised its head on one occasion permitting me to get a few images of the right side of its face adequate enough to identify the leopard. As I suspected it is Manikrala Uraniya Female 1 (MRUF 1). At 4.48pm I decided to leave, as I had to reach the park entrance by 6.00pm.
5.05pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Walas Wala.
5.15pm 5 Spotted Deer at Thambioluwa.
5.55pm left the park
Mammals - Elephant 2, Leopard 1, Indian Buffalo 7, Sambhur 3, Spotted Deer 190, Wild Boar 22, Barking Deer 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 1, Indian Brown Mongoose, Giant Squirrel 1, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 5, Flapshell Turtle 2, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
13th December 2020
6.53am entered the park on my own, as there are no trackers provided by the DWC.
An Indian Grey Mongoose at the park entrance.
6.59am a Giant Squirrel leaped from one tree to the other over and across the road at Ranawara Pitiya.
7.13am one adult male Buffalo at Palu Kola Wala.
7.38am 2 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
7.44am 5 Spotted deer one adult male Wild Boar and 4 Buffalo including a newly born calf at “Kukulkatu pitiya” in Maradanmaduwa.
8.11am 2 Ruddy Mongoose at Madangaha Wala.
8.30am 12 Spotted Deer at Manik Wila.
9.03am a Ruddy Mongoose at the sand patch between Illanda Motte and Down Hall pitiya.
9.22am 8 Spotted Deer at Kuruttupandi Villu.
9.26am a Barking Deer between Nelum Wila and Panikkar Villu.
9.31am Ceylon Trogon between Nelum Wila and Panikkar Villu
10.06am 27 Spotted Deer at Thala Wila.
10.07am an adult male Wild Boar at Thala Wila.
10.28am a lone Elephant at Panikkar Villu.
11.15am a Shikra flew down to a pool on the road and started to bathe. The small avian predator was extremely cautious and would observe the surroundings thoroughly prior to dipping in to the water.
11.29am one Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
11.35am an Osprey perched on a dead tree at Kokkare Villu.
11.40am 6 Spotted Deer at Kokkare Villu.
12.00noon 2 Spotted Deer between Manik Wila and Kumutu Wila.
12.06pm a Troop of grey Langur between Kumutu Wila and Kanjuran Villu.
12.07pm a Leopard between Kumutu Villu and Kanjuran Villu. N 08.45708, E 079.95879
It was a mature male seated among the “Keppetiya” plants about 20 feet to the left of the road. It’s lower chin was red indicating a freshly killed prey. The “kill” was not visible as it was concealed by foliage. I immediately reversed the vehicle, fearing that the animal might move in to the forest. The leopard continued to look in my direction and I managed to get a few images. Much to my relief the leopard lowered its body and started to feed. There was no other vehicle in the vicinity thus it was absolutely quite. I could hear the snapping of the bones as the leopard fed on its kill. In a few minutes, much to my satisfaction, he walked on to the road and started to walk in the direction of Kanjuran villu. The prey would have been a small animal. I followed him keeping a distance of about 50 feet. Every 10-15 feet he would stop to sniff the branches and tree trunks on either side of the road and scent mark by spraying urine. At some places he would urinate on the ground and scrape the ground by using each hind foot alternatively. During my study of Leopards in Wilpattu I have noted that male leopards scent mark more regularly than females. A female will usually walk for a bout 30 feet prior to stopping for scent marking.
Every now and then he would stop and lie down for a few minutes. Each time he “rested” he would lick his paws and body, reminding me of my pet cat at home engaging in similar behavior after each of its meals. On one occasion he started to sniff the ground intently, lowered its body to the ground and started to rub his face vigorously on the ground. After doing so the leopard rolled over on the same spot until he was distracted by some noise in the forest. Leopards are known to sniff at the ground or dung of various animals and roll on it. I observed the spot after the leopard had moved but did observed any dung. Perhaps it was a spot where a female had deposited urine and he was excited by the smell of her pheromones.
12.48pm the leopard stopped walking, lowered its body to the ground and started looking at some thing to his right. All at once he leapt on to his right and disappeared in to the forest. But in less than a minute he walked back on to the road. It’s amazing how fast these cats can move when it is required.
12.54pm having reached Kanjuran Villu the leopard moved in to the forest in the direction of the road to Kaali Villu. I drove ahead passing the villu on the road to Kaali and waited expecting the leopard to come on to the road again but had no success. The alarm calls of the squirrels and the Jungle fowl indicated that he was moving deep in to the forest. Later upon checking its spot pattern I was pleased to note that this is Herathhamy Wala Male 1 (HHWM 1), that I had first photographed as a young male in August 2016 at Herathhamy Wala. My last observation of this leopard was one year ago on the 13th of December 2019 at Kuruttupandi Villu. I had not received any records of him since then from any of the 60 plus photographers who regularly contribute to my study.
This Leopard sighting was very special. I was on my own observing and photographing one of the very seldom seen mature male leopards in the park for almost an hour with no other safari jeeps around to cause any disturbance.
1.27pm 8 Spotted Deer at Kanjuran Villu.
1.48pm a small herd of 5 Elephants with two small calfs at Kaali Villu.
1.57pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Avatara Motte.
2.12pm a Mugger Crocodile and a Flapshell Turtle at Mara Wila.
2.18pm 5 Spotted Deer and two large Mugger Crocodiles at Kaali Villu.
2.28pm one Elephant and a Spotted Deer antler with a single antler feeding on the sedge plants growing in the water at Kanjuran Villu.
2.47pm an Indian Paradise Flycatcher with only white tail streamers seen on Kokkare Villu upper road.
3.04pm a Large Mugger Crocodile and a single Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila pitiya.
3.10pm a Black-naped Hare at Nelum Wila.
3.31pm 55 Spotted Deer at Tala Wila.
3.49pm a Sloth Bear between Panikkar Villu and Nelum Wila.
4.06pm a Black-naped Hare at Nelum Wila.
4.07pm a Star Tortoise crossed the road between Kumbuk Wila and Borupan Junction.
4.25pm 2 Golden Jackal at Maradanmaduwa.
4.28pm 2 Black-naped Hare at Maradanmaduwa.
4.34pm one adult male Buffalo on the road just before Palu Kola Wala.
Mammals - Elephant 8, Leopard 1, Sloth Bear 1, Indian Buffalo 6, Spotted Deer 132, Wild Boar 1, Barking Deer 1, Golden Jackal 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 4, Indian Grey Mongoose 1, Ruddy Mongoose 4, Giant Squirrel 1, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 4, Flapshell Turtle 1, Star Tortoise 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Brown Fish Owl, Osprey, Ceylon Trogan, Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork, Indian Paradise Flycatcher, Indian Pitta.
Butterflies – Blue, Mormon, Crimson Rose, Common Crow
Wild Orchids – Geodorum densiflorum (Plants were observed), Vanda spathulata, Vanda tessellate, Vanilla walkerae
Fruiting trees – Moona Mal, Thimbiri
Wild Flowers – Hibiscus eriocarpus Maple-leaved Mallow (Kapukinissa), Plumbago zeylanica Ceylon Leadwort (Ela Nithol), Eugenia bracteata (Thambiliya), Asystasia gangetica Chinese Violet (Puruk), Bacopa monnieri Waterhyssop (Lunu-wila), Caesalpinia bonducella Bonduc Nut (Kumburu), Crinum defixum Ker Gawl (Heen-tolabo), Gloriosa superba Glory Lily (Niyangala), Gmelina asiatica Asiatic Bushbeech (Demata), Hugonia mystax Climbing Flax (Gini Kitiya), Jasminum angustifolium Wild Jasmin ( Wal-pichcha), Ochna obtusata Bird’s Eye Tree (Mal Kera), Pancratium biflorum Forest Spider Lily (Wal-lunu), Solanum sp. Wild Nightshade (Wal Thibbatu)
6.10am entered the park with Batiya Senadhipathy.
7.00pm one Buffalo between Thammanna Wala and Kukulkatuwa junction.
7.16pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Kukulkatuwa junction and Thammanna Wala.
7.32am a Barking Deer between Percy Bendi Wewa and Thammanna Wala.
7.46am a Star Tortoise between feeding on fresh grass shoots Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa.
8.15am a Ruddy Mongoose between Humbas Wala and Walas Wala.
9.31am one Sambhue at Mana Wila sand patch.
10.08am a Spotted Deer antler at Manik Wila.
10.25am 10 Spotted Deer at Kanjuran Villu.
10.59am a sounder of 7 Wild Boar at Mara Villu.
11.40am a troop of Grey Langur between Kuruttupandi villu and Kudapatessa.
11.52am a Spotted Deer and a Mugger Crocodile at Eriyakkulampooval.
11.55am one Leopard at Eriyakkulampooval. N 08.43750, E 080.00257
We observed the Leopard across the Villu. She walked along the edge of the water and started to drink. Thereafter walked along the forest edge and moved in to the forest. Upon examination of her spot pattern I was pleased to note that it is Manikrala Uraniya Female 1 (MRUF 1).
2.04pm a Flapshell Turtle at Borupan Wila.
2.21pm a Spotted Deer between Kumbuk Wila and Kokkare Villu.
2.24pm a sounder of 10 Wild Boar including an adult male boar at Kokkare Villu.
2.27pm 2 Wild Buffalo at Kokkare Villu.
2.54pm 3 Spotted Deer at Aalam Villu.
3.26pm 46 Spotted Deer at Tala Wila.
3.33pm a sounder of 17 Wild Boar at Panikkar Villu.
3.37pm a lone Wild Boar between Panikkar Villu and Nelum Wila.
3.54pm 2 Ruddy Mongoose on Kokkare Villu upper road.
4.00pm one Elephant on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
4.32pmm a single Spotted Deer at Demata Wila.
4.58pm 2 Sambhur at Humbas Wala.
4.59pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Humbas Wala and Ibba Wala.
5.08pm 2 Golden Jackal on the “Kukulkatu Pitiya” at Maradanmaduwa.
5.20pm 2 Ruddy Mongoose at Palu Kola Wala.
5.34pm a Sloth Bear at Percy Bendi Wewa.
5.37pm a Hoopoe between Percy Bendi Wewaa and Ranawara pitiya. This species is rare at Wilpattu and usually seen only during the migrant season.
5.38pm a Black-naped Hare at Ranawara Pitiya.
5.54pm Left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 1, Sloth Bear 1, Indian Buffalo 3, Sambhur 3, Spotted Deer 65, Wild Boar 34, Barking Deer 1, Golden Jackal 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose 7, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 1, Flapshell Turtle 1, Star Tortoise 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Green Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
29th November 2020
6.55am entered the park with Bathiya Senadhipathy.
7.01am 2 Spotted Deer between park enrance and Kone Gha Ela.
7.04am 2 more Spotted Deer at Ranawara pitiya.
7.33am 4 Spotted Deer between Thammanna Wala andKalagedi Bokkuwa
7.37am 1 lone Buffalo close to Palu Kola Wala.
7.42am 3 more Buffalo between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa.
7.54am a Ruddy Mongoose at Thambioluwa.
7.55am 4 Spotted Deer at Thambioluwa.
8.01am 2 Sambhur at Humbas Wala.
8.14am 10 Spotted der at Kumbuk Wila pitiya.
8.15am a herd of 15 Buffalo at Kumbuk Wila pitiya.
8.16am 7 Spotted Deer at Kumbuk Wila.
8.19am 3 Spotted Deer and a Sambhur between Kumbuk Wila and Kokkare Villu.
8.38am two Elephants at Kokkare Villu.
8.41am 13 Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road.10.49am 5 Spotted Der at Paaluwilandawa junction.
10.52am a Ruddy Mongoose at Ranawara pitiya.
11.00am left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 2, Indian Buffalo 26, Sambhur 3, Spotted Deer 43, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 2, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork,
Butterflies – Blue Mormon, Ceylon Lacewing, Lesser Albatross,
Wild Orchids – Vanda spathulata, Vanda tessellate, Vanilla walkerae
Fruiting trees – Moona Mal Mimusops elengi, Spanish Cherry Tree (E)
Wild Flowers - Bonduc Nut (E) Caesalpinia bonducella Kumburu (S), Plumbago zeylanica Ceylon Leadwort (Ela Nithol), Gloriosa superba Flame Lily (E) Glory Lily (Niyangala), Ker Gawl Crinum defixum (Heen-tolabo), Hugonia mystax Climbing Flax (E) Gini Kitiya (S) Bu Getiya (S)
1.00pm entered the park with Bathiya Senadhipathy. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic DWC has decided not to allow any guides from the park entrance to accompany visitors. Thus we were required to pick up our guide Sampath Ananda from the Lunuwila bungalow.
1.01pm 3 Spotted Deer at the park entrance.
1.11pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Percy Bendi Wewa.
1.12pm a Leopard between Percy Bendi Wewa and Paaluwilandawa junction.
N 08.33547, E 080.12759
The leopard was seated close to a Termite hill by the side of the road. It was a young female leopard. She watched us for a few seconds and moved in to the forest. Later upon examination of her spot pattern I was pleased to note that this is one of the three cubs of Thammanna Wala female 2 (THWF 2) that I had listed under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section as Maha Wewa Leopard 5. I received images of these cubs in July 2019 from Namal Kamalgoda where they were around 4 -5 months. Thus leopard is now one year and 8 months and had very recently become independent. As this is my first sighting of this female I gave her a code Percy Bendi Wewa Female 3 (PBWF 3).
1.42pm 6 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa, Kukulkatu pitiya.
1.50pm a female Sloth Bear and a cub of about 5 months between Thambioluwa and Ibba Wala.
2.07pm one Elephant and a small sounder of 4 Wild Boar feeding at Borupan Wila.
2.34pm 5 Spotted Deer at Demata Wila.
2.41pm a Giant Squirrel at Mahapatessa.
2.44pm 29 Spotted Deer at Eriyakkulampooval.
2.46pm a Water Buffalo and 3 more Spotted Deer at Mahapatessa.
2.51pm a Mugger Crocodile and 9 Spotted Deer at Kudapatessa.
3.12pm 22 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila pitiya.
3.18pm a herd of 14 Water Buffalo at Nelum Wila.
3.30pm 17 Spotted Deer at Aalam Villu.
3.37pm a Barking Deer between Panikkar Villu and Kombansanchaipooval.
3.47pm 84 Spotted Deer and an adult male Wild Boar at Tala Wila.
4.16pm a sounder of 12 Wild Boar between Kombansanchaipooval and Panikkar Villu.
4.31pm a Lesser Adjutant Stork at Nelum Wila.
4.38pm 7 Spotted Deer at Kokkare Villu.
4.39pm an Indian Grey Mongoose and 12 more Spotted Der at Kokkare Villu.
4.51pm a Mugger Crocodile at Kumbuk Wila.
4.52pm 48 Spotted Deer at Kumbuk Wila pitiya.
5.50pm a sounder of 8 Wild Boar at Ranawara pitiya.
5.59pm left the park.
6.10pm 133 Spotted Deer at Hunuwilagama Tank.
1st November 2020
1.14pm a female Green Garden Lizard was observed digging a pit at Hunuwilagama. These lizards dig a small pit in soft earth and deposit about 4 – 5 eggs at a time. I have always been amazed by the change of their behavior during this process. While she was at this task she will not move away even if you move very close or even touch them with a stick. The level of concentration is quite intense.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 1, Sloth Bear 2, Indian Buffalo 15, Spotted Deer 379, Wild Boar 25, Barking Deer 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare, Indian Grey Mongoose 1, Ruddy Mongoose 1, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 2, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Green Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Brown Fish Owl, Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork,
Butterflies – Blue Mormon, Banded Peacock, Indian Sunbeam,
Wild Orchids – Vanda spathulata
2.10pm entered the park with Hemantha Wimalasena accompanies by Bathiya Senadipathy and his wife Enoka Senadhipathy
2.12pm 5 Spotted at the park entrance.
2.20pm 12 Spotted Deer, a Buffalo and 5 Lesser Adjutants at Percy Bendi Wewa.
2.26pm one Leopard between Percy Bendi Wewa and Thammanna Wala.
N 08.34758, E 080.11799
It was a female Leopard and was was walking away from us. We kept a distance of about 50 meters and followed. After some time with the arrival of another vehicle she walked in to the forest but lied down under a fallen tree sniffing and scent marking the same. Later upon examination of the spot pattern I was pleased to note that it is Thammanna Wala Female 2 (THWF 2).
3.20pm a Ruddy Mongoose and a herd of 7 buffalo close to the “ Grave Pond”.
3.40pm a troop of grey Langur at Humbas Wala.
3.45pm we spotted a male Sloth Bear walking towards us from Wlas Wala. He walked right up to the vehicle and moved in to the forest to examine a Termite hill.
4.15pm 15 Spotted Deer and a Ruddy Mongoose at Kokkare Villu.
4.25pm 12 Spotted Deer and a Mugger Crocodile at Thimbiri Wila.
4.29pm an Elephant feeding on the water plants at Borupan Wila. An adult male Wild Boar feeding on the edge of the water.
5.35pm a male Barking Deer at Palu Kola Wala.
5.45pm a Leopard on the road at Kalagedi Bokkuwa.
N 08.35756, E 080.11035
This was also a female leopard and was walking away from us. We along with few other vehicles followed keeping an adequate distance. Fortunately the cat stopped and looked back permitting me to get a few images. Upon examination of the spot pattern I was thrilled to note that this is Divulgas Mandiya Female 1 (DGMF 1) as I had not got any record of her since my July 2019.
6.00pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 2, Sloth Bear 1, Indian Buffalo 8, Spotted Deer 44, Wild Boar 1, Barking Deer 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare, Indian Grey Mongoose, Ruddy Mongoose 2, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 1, Star Tortoise, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork
Butterflies – Blue Mormon, Double-banded Crow
Wild Orchids – Vanda tessalate
8.33am entered the park with guide Sampath Ananda
8.35am 15 Spotted Deer at the park entrance.
8.37am a troop of grey Langur between the park entrance and Kone Gaha Ela.
8.43am one Leopard at Percy Bendi Wewa. N 08.33413, E 080.12934
It was an adult female leopard. She was lying on a bent Palu Tree by the side of the road. The leopard was quite tolerant of the safari vehicles but was disturbed by the DWC water bowser that arrived around 9am. As the bowser drew near she climbed down the tree and moved in to the forest much t the displeasure of the. As she walked I noticed that the animal was limping. She appears to have injured her front left leg. Upon examining the spot patterns I noted that this is Thammanna Wala Femlae 2 (THWF 2), the famed mother of the tree cubs seen around Thammanna Wala and down Mahah Wewa road.
9.15am a Sloth Bear at Thammanna Wala.
10.53am I noticed a small bird with which patches on its body between Nelum Wila and Panikkar Villu. It was a Leucistic Brown-capped Babbler. Leucism is a partial loss of pigmentation, which can make a bird have white patchily coloured feathers.
11.30am 3 Spotted Deer and two Wild Buffalo grazing at Panikkar Wila.
11.49am 16 Spotted Deer and a sounder of 12 Wild Boar feeding at the edge of the water at Tala Wila.
12.04pm 2Golden Jackal at Tala Wila
12.16pm a Lesser Adjutant Stork at Panikkar Villu.
2.01pm 3 Spotted Der between Panikkar Villu and Aalam Villu.
2.07pm a sounder of 17 Wild boar at Aalam Villu.
2.27pm 37 Spotted Deer were feeding at different locations around Nelum Wila. As we drove in to the “pitiya” an Elephant broke cover and walked out of the forest. The gentle giant reached the water and started to drink and spray its self with its trunk.
2.45pm 3 Spotted Deer at Kuruttupandi Villu.
2.50pm a sounder of 12 Wild Boar between Kuruttupandi junction and Kudapatessa.
2.54pm two Spotted Deer grazing. A male Cotton Teal pursuing a female at Kudapatessa.
3.00pm 2 Mugger Crocodiles at Eriyakkulampooval.
3.31pm one Wild Buffalo at Borupan Wila.
4.17pm one Leopard at Palu Kola Wala. N 08.36338, E 080.10028
It was a male and was lying behind some bushes on the bund across the water at Palu Kola Wala. I got a few shots and drove down to turn the vehicle by which time he had disappeared in to the forest. I estimated its age to be around 6 years. Later upon examining the spot pattern I realized that this is not a leopard that I have photographed. I gave it the code Palu Kola Wala Male 1 (PKWM 1)
4.39pm a Sloth Bear arrived at Palu Kola Wala and started to feed on the Madan berries fallen under the trees.
5.30pm another Sloth Bear between Thammanna Wala and Percy Bendi Wewa.
5.39pm an Elephant walking towards the road at Percy Bendi Wewa.
5.55pm left the park.
11.00pm a Small Indian Civet at Hunuwilagama.
12.00pm a Jungle Cat at Hunuwilagama.
Mammals - Elephant 2, Leopard 2, Sloth Bear 3, Indian Buffalo 3, Sambhur, Spotted Deer 79, Wild Boar 39, Golden Jackal 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose, Indian Brown Mongoose, Small Indian Civet, Jungle Cat, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 2, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Green Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork,
Butterflies – Quaker, Blue Mormon, Red Spot Duke, Banded Peacock, Crimson Rose, Blue Wanderer, Common Mormon, Common Jay, Tailed Jay, Lesser Albatross, Leopard
Wild Orchids – Vanda spathulata
Fruiting trees – Madan in fruit
Wild Flowers - Asiatic Bushbeech Gmelina asiatica (Demata), Wild Jasmin Jasminum angustifolium (Wal-pichcha), Lunu Warna (S) Crataeva adansonii, Common Emetic Catunaregam spinosa (Kukuruman)
2.00pm entered the park with Bathiya Senadhipathy and guide Tissa Ratnayake
2.03pm 7 Spotted Deer at the park entrance.
2.11pm 2 Spotted Deer at Ranawara pitiya.
2.22pm a Wild Buffalo between Thamanna Wala and Kalagedi Bokkuwa.
2.39pm 8 Wild Buffalo at Maradanmaduwa.
3.31pm a sounder of 5 Wild Boar with 6 tiny piglets ran across the road on Lunu Wewa Demata Wila road.
3.40pm a Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius belonging to the local race jerdoni with a tiny chick at Demata Wila. The nest is a small depression on the ground. While we observed the adult moved out of the nest to the edge of the water line, dipped its self in water so that its breast feathers were drenched in water and moved back to the nest to settle on the tiny chick.
3.45pm a Wild Buffalo at Mahapatessa.
3.58pm an Adjutant Stork at Manikrala Uraniya.
4.34pm 2 Mugger Crocodile and a Wild Buffalo at Nelum Wila.
4.44pm 3 Sambhur, a Female and a calf being followed by an antler, at Panikkar Villu.
4.56pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Nelum Wila sand patch.
5.00pm 10 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila pitiya.
5.12pm a sounder of 42 Wild Boar with 32 piglets.
5.15pm a Sloth Bear on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
5.26pm a Mugger Crocodile and a Parker’s Black Turtle at Walas Wala.
5.48pm one Golden Jackal at Maradanmaduwa.
6.27pm left the park.
6.30pm a herd of 15 Elephants drinking at Hunuwilagama Tank. Also about 52 Spotted Deer and a sounder of 12 Wild Boar feeding on the lakeshore.
9.15pm a Black-naped Hare and an Indian Jerbil on Kiralagala road.
Mammals - Elephant 15, Leopard, Sloth Bear 1, Indian Buffalo 12, Sambhur 3, Spotted Deer 71, Wild Boar 65, Golden Jackal 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose, Small Indian Civet, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel, Indian Jerbil 1
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 3, Parker’s Black Turtle 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Green Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
22nd August 2020
7.19am entered the park with Bathiya Senadhipathy and guide Tissa Ratnayake
7.20am about 13 Spotted Deer between the park entrance and Ranawarapitiya.
7.26am a troop of Grey Langur between the park entrance and Ranawarapitiya
7.28am 3 more Spotted Deer just before Ranawara pitiya.
8.22am 3 Spotted Deer stags at Maradanmaduwa.
9.20am an adult male Wild Boar at Kombansanchaipooval.
9.42am 5 Spotted Deer at Tala Wila.
12.14pm an adult male Wild Boar on Kokkare Villu upper road.
12.31pm 4 Spotted Deer at Kudapatessa.
1.28pm a Spotted Deer and a Wild Buffalo at Manikrala Uraniya.
1.45pm a wild Buffalo and a lone Wild boar at Lunu Wila.
1.46pm a troop of Grey Langur on Lunu Wila upper road.
1.47pm 2 Wild Boar on Lunu Wila upper road.
2.21pm observed a few Golden-backed Woodpeckers but one was of particular interest as it depicted typical narrow white facial markings of the endemic Red-backed Woodpecker found in the southern part of the country.
2.57pm a sub adult Sambhur on Sudu Muwa Wala road.
3.09pm 11 Spotted Deer on Kumbuk Wila pitiya.
3.16pm one Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
3.32pm a Sambhur antler at Thammannagaha junction on Kokkare Villu upper road.
4.00pm 12 Spotted Deer and a Wild Buffalo at Alam Villu.
4.16pm 36 Spotted Deer accompanies by a troop of grey Langur at Tala Wila.
5.14pm 32 Spotted Deer and a Black-naped Hare at Kumbuk Wila pitiya. (increased from 11)
5.16pm a Mugger Crocodile at Thimbiri Wila.
5.46pm 17 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
6.15pm one Leopard at Percy Bendi Wewa. N 08.33393, E 080.12952
The young female leopard walked in the direction of Percy Bendi Wewa. She was not disturbed by the few vehicles that kept their distance. She would stop to mark and sniff the bushes exhibiting typical leopard behavior. Unfortunately, as she walked down to water more safari jeeps arrived and some moved too close. The leopard moved across the bund in to the jungle. It was a young animal of about 2 years. Later upon examining her spot pattern I noted that this is my first sighting of this leopard. I named it Percy Bendi Wewa Female 2 with the code (PBWF 2) for the purpose of my study.
6.29pm left the park.
8.10pm an Elephant in the field across the road at Dolosmahe Guest House.
11.02pm a Small Indian Civet (Ring-tailed Civet) in the garden at Dolosmahe Guest House at Hunuwilagama. Susil, the owner of the guest house, who is an avid lover of wildlife had noticed this mammal visiting his garden and kindly agreed to stay up with me at the location where it is usually seen. His support enabled me to get a few images of this elusive nocturnal mammal.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 1, Indian Buffalo 3, Sambhur 2, Spotted Deer 127, Wild Boar 5, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Small Indian Civet, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Green Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed tripBirds – Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork,
Butterflies – Blue Mormon, Banded Peacock, Red Spot Duke, Blue Wanderer, Peacock Pansy
Wild Orchids – Vanda tessalate and spatulata
Fruiting trees – Madang a few ripe fruits
6.15am 15 Spotted Deer, a sounder of 7 Wild Boar and a Wild Buffalo at Hunuwilagama Tank.
7.20am entered the park with guide Lahiru Dissanayake
7.26am a female Sambhur trotted across the road between Kone Gaha Ela and Ranawara pitiya.
7.37am a Ruddy Mongoose between Paaluwilandawa junction and Thammanna Wala.
7.57am Forest Spider Lily Pancratium biflorum in bloom between Thammanna Wala and Maha Wewa.
8.11am Lahiru spotted a snake on a tree. I reversed to find a sub adult Sri Lanka Rat Snake Ptyas mucosa maximus moving out of a tree hole.
8.40am a troop of Grey Langur on the road at Percy Bendi Wewa.
8.45am a Barking Deer crossed the road between Percy Bendi Wewa and Paaluwilandawa junction.
9.07am a troop of Grey Langur and 6 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
9.09am 3 more Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
9.14am we observed a beautiful yellow flowering tree, which I suspect as belonging to the genus Ochna at Thambioluwa. I photographed a flowering tree of the same species on the 16th of August 2019 between Kanjuran Villu and Kumutu Villu. The small tree was covered in yellow flowers and light green tender leaves. The delicate petals kept falling continuously creating a “petal shower”. I know of two species belonging to the genus Ochna sp in the park and I suspect this to be a third.
9.32am a troop of grey Langur between Borupan junction and Kumbuk Wila.
9.45am a Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road at Thamanna gaha junction.
9.48am a Ruddy Mongoose on Kokkare Villu upper road.
9.50am one Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
10.02am 4 Spotted Deer at Kuruttupandi Villu.
10.30am a sounder of 7 Wild Boar at Nelum Wila.
10.31am a Wild Buffalo at Nelum Wila.
11.38am a nest of Golden-backed Woodpecker between Nelum Wila and Panikkar villu. Having spotted the bird flying off the nest hole we parked about 50 meters away to ensure the pair is not disturbed. After some time the female arrived at the nest.
11.47am an adult male Wild Boar at Nelum Wila sandpatch.
11.50am another male Wild Boar at Nelum Wila.
11.55am 3 Spotted Deer and a troop of Grey Langur on Kokkare Villu upper road.
12.09pm a Green Garden Lizard between Kumbuk Wila and Borupan junction.
12.23pm a Barking Deer ran across the road between Borupan Wila and Lunu Wewa.
12.38pm another Barking Deer at the Lunu Wewa junction.
12.39pm a troop of Grey Langur down Lunu Wewa road.
12.41pm a Ruddy Mongoose on Lunu Wewa road.
12.45pm two male Painted Lip Lizards displaying to attract the attention of a female.
12.53pm an adult male Wild Boar on Lunu Wewa Demata Wila road.
1.02pm a sounder of 4 Wild Boar with 7 small piglets at Demata Wila.
1.07pm 7 Spotted Deer at Mahapatessa.
1.28pm 4 Spotted Der at Eriyakkulampooval.
1.42pm a Barking Deer between Kuruttupandi and Manik Wila.
1.49pm 29 Spotted Deer and a lone Wild Boar at Kumutu Wila.
2.35pm one Elephant at Nelum Wila.
4.46pm one Leopard at Kuruttupandi Villu. N 08.43839, E 079.98236
As drove down to Kuruttupandi to see the leopard move in to the forest at the far left hand side. As we had received information of a “kill” and that a large male leopard was seen at this location the previous day and today morning we decided to wait expecting the animal to move out again. Fortunately for me the leopard climbed on to the lower branch of a Madan Tree and slept allowing me to get a few record images. Its bloated belly indicated that the cat had fed well. It was Nelum Wila Male 5 (NWMC 5).
6.01pm a Brown Fish Owl between Palu Kola Wala and Thammanna Wala.
6.03pm a Black-naped Hare at Divulgas Mandiya.
6.25pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 2, Leopard 1, Indian Buffalo 2, Sambhur 1, Spotted Deer 72, Wild Boar 18, Barking Deer 4, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose 3, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Rate Snake Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Green Garden Lizard, Painted-lip Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
19th July 2020
6.29am entered the park with guide Thisara.
6.39am a Barking Deer between Kone Gaha Ela and Ranawara Pitiya.
6.56am 2 White-necked Storks at Palu Kola Wala.
7.10am 16 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
7.40am one Leopard between Humbas Wala and Boralu Wala N 08.40699, E 080.04406
The Leopard had been on the road but moved in a few minutes before our arrival. It was lying on a dead tree inside the forest and was hardly visible. I managed to get a few images, which enabled me to identify the animal. It was Boralu Wala Female 2 (BRWFC 2). After some time she moved down and moved in to the forest.
8.39am a sounder of 8 Wild Boar and a heard of 12 Spotted Deer at Borupan Wila.
8.53am a Wild Buffalo at Lunu Wewa.
9.06am a herd of 11 Wild Buffalo at Mahapatessa.
9.28am an Osprey at Kokkare Villu. I observed this species (most likely the same individual) during my previous visit to the park in early July. It is very rare to see this migrant raptor out side the migratory season.
9.40am a herd of 27 Wild Buffalo at and 5 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila pitiya.
10.00am a Barking Deer at Kuruttupandi Villu.
10.28am a Ruddy Mongoose at Mahapatessa.
10.30am a troop of Grey Langur and 3 Spotted Deer Mahapatessa.
10.37am a Barking Deer ran across the road on Mahapatessa upper road.
11.06am 2 Smabhur between Ibba Wala and Kuda Boralu Wala.
12.49pm a Crested Serpent Eagle with a freshly killed sub-adult Land Monitor in its talons at Thambioluwa.
2.19pm 2 Spotted Deer crossed the road between Maradanmaduwa and Thambioluwa.
2.25pm a male Shikra at Thambioluwa.
2.51pm 3 Wild Boar sprinted across the road on Kokkare Villu upper road.
2.52pm 3 Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road.
2.54pm an Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
3.46pm started to rain. It was a heavy shower.
3.54pm 9 Spotted Deer between Borupan Wila and Borupan junction.
4.00pm 4 Spotted Deer at Boralu Wala.
4.20pm one Leopard at Maradanmaduwa. No photography was possible as the animal was concealed by foliage.
4.49pm 4 Spotted Deer between Palu Kola Wala and Divugas mandiya.
5.15pm Left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 1, Indian Buffalo 39, Sambhur 2, Spotted Deer 59, Wild Boar 11, Barking Deer 3, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 1, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles –Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Golden-backed Woodpecker, Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork,
Butterflies – Red Spot Duke, Baron, Blue Mormon, Blue Wanderer, Common Mormon, Quaker, Chestnut Streaked Sailor, Common Sailor, Chocolate Soldier, Lime Butterfly, Lesser Albatross, Rustic, Great Orange Tip.
Wild Orchids – Vanda spathulata, Vanda tessellate
Fruiting trees – Kiri Kone,
Wild Flowers - Forest Spider Lily Pancratium biflorum, Beautiful Crinum Crinum zeylanicum, Bird’s Eye Tree Ochna obtusata, Wild Jasmin Jasminum angustifolium, Maple-leaved Mallow Hibiscus eriocarpus, Blue Mist Memecylon umbellatum
1.25pm entered the park with Bathiya Senadhipathy.
1.36pm a Barking Deer crossed the road between Percy Bendi Wewa and Paaluwilandawa junction.
2.14pm a Golden Jackal on the road between Ibba Wala and Humabs Wala. This animal looked bald as it had lost most of its body hair. In dogs this condition is referred to as Alopecia and is usually caused by parasites.
2.24pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Borupan Wila.
2.30pm a Wild Buffalo immersed in the water at Borupan pitiya Wala.
3.26pm 24 Wild Buffalo and 4 Spotted Deer at Mahapatessa.
3.45pm 2 Golden Jackal and Kuruttupandi Villu.
4.07pm an Osprey perched on a dead tree at Kokkare Villu. This magnificent bird of prey is a rare migrant to the country. This partiquler individual appear to be an exceptional “loiterer” (migrant bird that continues to stay in the migrant locality until the next migrant season without returning back to its breeding grounds).
4.33pm 3 Spotted Deer, Flashell Turtle and a Mugger Crocodile at Demata Wila.
4.41pm 2 Spotted Deer at Kumbuk Wila pitiya.
4.52pm one Leopard at Walas Wala. N 08.41419, E 080.03077
A leopard was drinking from a pool across the bund from Walas Wala. It was a female leopard and was partly covered by the foliage. Later upon examination of the spot pattern I realized that it is Borupan Junction Leopard 1 that is listed under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section on my site. This female leopard had eluded me for a long time and I was please to have finally captured some images of her despite them being of very poor quality. I estimated her age to be around 4 years and six months. For the purpose of my study I named it Walas Wala Female 4 (WWF 4).
5.27pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Palu Kola Wala.
Mammals - Leopard 1, Indian Buffalo 25, Spotted Deer 9, Barking Deer 1, Golden Jackal 3, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 2, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 1, Flapshell Turtle 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
5th July 2020
8.38am a pair of White-browed Fantail Flycathers had started building a nest on a Margosa tree close to the park office. Both birds were quite busy building the little “cup shaped” nest with fiberious material and lots of cobwebs as plastering material. Every now and then, as if to take a break they uttered a delightful human like whistle which was quite lively.
8.45pm entered the park with Bathiya Senadhipathy and guide Tissa Ratnayake.
8.51am 3 Spotted Deer between park entrance and Weli Ela.
8.53am wild Orchid species Acampe praemosa was in bloom between Weli Ela and Ranawara pitiya.
9.04am troop of Grey Langur playing on the road close to Thammanna Wala.
10.29am I observed a fast flying butterfly settle on a leaf above the road on Panikkar Villu upper road. A look through my binoculars confirmed that it is a Cornelian a very rarely seen species in the park.
10.45am a small sounder of 5 Wild Boar at Tala Wila.
1.15am a flapshell Turtle at Panikkar Villu.
12.44pm 2 Spotted Deer and 2 Golden Jackal between Down Hall Pitiya and Mana Wila.
12.55pm a slender fruiting tree with striking purple fruits with bright red swollen stems was observed close to Hearthamy Wala. The unripe fruits were green in colour turning purple when ripe. I have not observed these fruits in the park before. I consulted Dr. Samantha Suranjan who is an expert on flora in Sri Lanka and he confirmed that this is Alceodaphne semecarpifolia. In Sinhala this tree is referred to as “Wewarana”. Its endemic to Sri Lanka and the Western Ghats in India. The fruits are not edible.
2.33pm a herd of 28 Wild Buffalo at Kudapatessa.
3.13pm 5 Spotted Deer at Kumbuk Wila pitiya.
3.39pm a Black-naped Hare at Maradanmaduwa.
4.07pm a Mugger Crocodile at Palu Kola Wala seen in a burrow dug in to the Palu Kola Wala bund. I have observed and photographed a single Mugger Crocodile in this burrow during the months of May, June, July and October. It is interesting to note that from end June until the heavy rains in October this water hole becomes completely dry. Thus the Crocodile appears to use this burrow for hibernation during the dry months. As the incubation period of this “hole nesting” species is 55 to 75 days the female Mugger seen at this water hole should be laying eggs in the beginning of the rainy season with the expectation of the water hole filling up by October. I have observed hatchlings here in December and January.
4.40pm 2 Wild Buffalo at Thammanna Wala.
4.42pm 3 Spotted Deer between Thammanna Wala and Paaluwilandawa junction.
4.57pm left the park.
Mammals - Indian Buffalo 30, Sambhur, Spotted Deer 13, Wild Boar 5, Golden Jackal 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 1, Flapshell Turtle 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork,
Butterflies – Blue Mormon, Common Sailor, Chestnut streaked Sailor, Gladeye Bushbrown, Great Orange Tip, Blue Wanderer, Cornelian, Red Spot Duke, Banded Peacock, Lesser Albatross, Crimson Rose, Blue Tiger, Dark Blue Tiger,
Wild Orchids – Acampe praemorsa, Vanda tessellate, Vanilla walkerae
Fruiting trees – Nuga, Kiri Koone, Pulima, Keena Dan in fruit. Palu & Weera ( very few), Madan trees bearing flowers.
Wild Flowers – Common Emetic (Kukuruman), Horse fly’s eye (Bim Savan) and both species of Ochna’s in bloom
9.40am entered the park with safari jeep driver Gayan. The DWC does not permit any of the guides to accompany the private vehicles. Since my last visit on the 6th of March 2020 no visits were possible as the park was closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
9.48am a heard of 06 Spotted Deer crossed the road between park entrance and Weli Ela.
10.02am 2 Wild Buffalo at Thammanna Wala.
10.45am I had received information that the big tusker named “Mega”/ “Borupan Wila tusker” had ben found fallen at Borupan pitiya. DWC had closed the road towards Lunu Wewa to prevent visitors from approaching the elephant.
11.01am 11 Indian Buffalo and 4 Wild Boar at Borupan Wila.
11.21am a Ruddy Mongoose attacked a Land Monitor at Kokkare Villu. The savage attack ended in the pugnacious hunter pulling the reptile in to a thicket.
11.34am 3 Golden Jackal at Kurutupandi Villu.
11.39am one Osprey at Kokkare Villu.
11.45am 5 Spotted Deer and a lone Indian Buffalo at Nelum Wila.
11.49am a Ruddy Mongoose at Nelum Wila.
1.30pm a Barking Deer on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
1.46pm a Leopard on Kokkare Villu upper road. N 08.41198, E 079.98727
The Leopard was lying on the edge of the road but moved a short distance in to the forest as we arrived. I was pleased to note that this is Nelum Wila Male 5 (NWMC 5). Despite its young age (3 years and 5 months) he has grown in to becoming a large bodied impressive male. He was lying at the foot of a tree but I was able to get a few images adequate enough to identify the animal. A few more jeeps arrived and I left giving way for them to observe the animal.
2.43PM a lone adult male Wild Boar at Manik Wila.
3.08pm a Golden Jackal trotting in our direction at Manik Wila sand patch.
3.44am one Leopard at Tala Wila. N 08.37961, E 079.94435
Having arrived at Tala Wila I observed two Indian peafowl in an agitated manner across the villu. Scanning the area with binoculars I was pleased to see a Leopard lying in the tall grass. The animal was hardly visible. After a few minutes the leopard stood up and moved to the edge of the water, lowered its body and was not visible again. As it was apparent that it was drinking I waited for it to move back in to the forest and when it did managed to get a few images. Later the study of its spot pattern confirmed that it was Kombansanchaipooval female 1 (KSPF 1).
4.42pm an impressive adult Tusker approached a herd of Elephants at Pallekandal pitiya. The group also had a young adult Tusker of about 10 years and the herd included two baby tuskers.
5.00pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Phill Motte and Tala Wila.
5.26pm at a distance an adult female Sambhur crossed the road between Kumbuk Wila and Borupan junction. When we arrived the spot another young Sambhur was seen at the edge of the forest.
5.47pm a Black-naped Hare at Maradanmaduwa.
6.28pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 23, Leopard 1, Indian Buffalo 14, Sambhur 2, Spotted Deer 11, Wild Boar 5, Barking Deer 1, Golden Jackal 4, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose 3, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
21st June 2020
7.10am entered the park with safari jeep driver Gayan.
7.19am a Ruddy Mongoose picked up a “road kill” of a frog and quickly moved in to the forest at Percy Bendi Wewa.
7.43am a Black-naped Hare at Maha Wewa.
7.46am 15 Spotted Deer and 2 Indian Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
7.48am 11 more Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
7.53am a troop of Grey Langur and 3 more Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
7.56am 6 more Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
8.16am 27 Indian Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
8.19am Wild orchid Vanda tessellatein bloom at Maha Wewa.
8.25am a colony of nesting Painted Storks at Maha Wewa.
8.33am a Little Ringed Ploverof the resident race jerdoni at Maha Wewa.
8.55am a Sloth Bear at Thammanna Wala walked a short distance, stopped to sniff the ground and scrap. Then walked along the road towards Kalagedi Bokkuwa.
11.19am a Flapshell Turtle at Palu Kola Wala.
11.28am a Golden Jackal at Maradanmaduwa.
11.40am the rare endemic vine Uvaria sphenocarpa (Anonnaceae) was in fruit. I have not observed these bright orange fruits being consumed by any animals.
12.04pm one Elephant at Kokkare Villu
12.07pm the endemic Painted-lip Lizard on Kokkare Vullu upper road.
12.08pm a Giant Squerrial on Kokkare Villu upper road.
12.14pm one Leopard on a tree between Kokkare Villu and Kuruttupandi Villu. N 08.42824, E 079.98279
The female leopard was sleeping on a branch of a tree above the road. It was Manikrala Uraniya Female 1 (MRUF 1). She had a full belly and changed her position on a few occasions but remained on this tree for almost 3 hours before getting off the same. She was quite at ease and did not even look in my direction despite my moving the vehicle a few times to get images each time she changed her position. Having got off she defecated at the foot of the tree, crossed the road by walking very close to a safari jeep parked in front and climbed another tree. As there were other jeeps that arrived I left the leopard and moved off. I observed this leopard from 12.14pm until 2.52pm.
3.42pm2 Flapshell Turtles at Palu Kola Wala.
5.08pm a Barking Deer between Weli Ela and the park entrance.
5.15pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 1, Sloth Bear 1, Indian Buffalo 29, Spotted Deer 35, Barking Deer 1, Golden Jackal 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose 1, Indian Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles –Flapshell Turtle 2, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Painted-lip Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Osprey, Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks (nesting at Maradanmaduwa and Maha Wewa), White-necked Stork
Butterflies – Red-spot Duke, Blue Mormon, Banded Peacock, Blue Wanderer, Blue & Dark Blue Tiger, Tawny Raja (males), Common Crow, Crimson Rose, Common Rose, Common Mormon
Wild Orchids – Acampe praemorsa, Vanda spathulata, Vanda tessellate
Fruiting trees – Pulima, Kiri Koone, An Kenda in fruit. Madan trees have started to fruit. The rare endemic species Uvaria sphenocarpa (Anonnaceae) was also in fruit.
6.47am entered the park with guide Tissa Ratnayake.
7.14am a Spotted Deer stag between the park entrance and Kone Gaha Ela.
7.15am a Barking Deer at Kone Gaha Ela.
7.18am a Mugger Crocodile at Percy Bendi Wewa.
7.34am one Leopard between Percy Bendi Wewa and Paaluwinlandawa junction.
N 08.33618, E 080.12701
We spotted the leopard at the “Boralu Wala” beyond the turn off to Makalanmaduwa road. The animal was hardly visible as it was lying down behind a fallen log. Thankfully in a few minutes the leopard broke cover and walked on to a mound of earth. It was a young female and she was observing something in the undergrowth. Perhaps staking some prey. Prior to walking in to the forest she looked back in our direction permitting me to get a few images of her face. Later upon examination of her spot pattern I was delighted to find that this is one of the two female cubs of the Maradanmaduwa Female 1 (MMFC 1), which I had not seen before. I have named her as Maradanmaduwa Leopard 4 under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section. As this is my first sighting of this leopard I named it as Maradanmaduwa Female 3 (MMF 3). Based on the age of her sibling, Maradanmaduwa Female 2 (MMFC 2), I had already photographed as a cub she is around 3 years and 2 months now. The distance between Maradanmaduwa where she was born and Percy Bendi Wewa is almost 8km. Usually female cubs are known to remain close to their mother’s territory upon leaving the mother.
8.09am 7 Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
8.12am 7 Spotted Deer and an Indian Grey Mongoose at Maha Wewa
8.15am 32 Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
8.19am 14 more Spotted Deer, an adult male Wild Boar and 25 Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
8.25am 2 large Mugger Crocodiles at Maha Wewa.
9.05am a Barking Deer between Maha Wewa and the first Culvert on Maradanmaduwa road.
9.25am Kiri Kone Walsura trifoliolatain bloom between the second and third culvert on Maha Wewa road and at many locations in the park.
10.20am a Ruddy Mongoose on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
10.38am 5 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila.
10.39am 7 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila pitya.
11.14am 8 Spotted Deer at Aalam Villu.
11.15am photographed Wellangiriya Capparis brevispinaat Aalam Villu. This species was in bloom at many other location s in the park as well.
11.18am 2 Spotted Deer and a lone Elephant feeding on the sage plants growing in the water at Panikkar villu.
11.36am an intermediate morph male Indian Paradise Flycatcher on Tala Wila upper road. This is an interesting species, with a resident and migrant race, which usually occur in two colour morphs in the country during the migrant season. The Indian Paradise FlycatcherTerpsiphoneparadisiparadiseis the migrant race of which the male is white in colour. The males of the resident race, Ceylon Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi ceylonensis, are rufous in colour. In Sinhalese the white male is referred to as the “Sudu Redi Hora” and the rufous male is referred to as the “Siuru Hora”. The females of both races are rufous in colour with shorter tails and grey throats. Interestingly the young males of the Indian race are also rufous in clour. These young birds can be differentiated from the resident males as their crest is shorter and the tails are longer than the birds of the local race. The bird in the image is referred to as an intermediate morph Indian Paradise Flycatcherand is said to carry this colour throughout its life. This colour morph has not been observed in the resident race so far.
11.41am 12 Spotted Deer, two Yellow-wattled Lapwings and a sounder of 21 Wild Boar at Tala Wila.
12.28pm “Ira Wara” Cadaba trifoliatein bloom at Tala Wila.
12.39pm a Large-billed Leaf Warbler in worn plumage at Vilanda Wala.
1.13pm a Star Tortoise at Borupan Wila.
1.35pm an Indian Grey Mongoose on Kokkare Villu upper road.
1.43pm a lone male Wild Boar at Kuruttupandi Villu.
2.18pm 3 Spotted Deer at Herath Hamy Wala.
2.21pm 2 Golden Jackal at Mana Wila.
2.25pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Mana Wila and Down Hall Pitiya.
3.02pm a small flock of Gargany in breeding plumage at Kumbuk Wila.
3.29pm 2 Spotted Deer at Humbas Wala.
3.36pm a troop of Grey Langur at Thambioluwa pond.
3.43pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Maradanmaduwa.
3.52pm a sub adult Sambhur trotted across the road between Maradanmaduwa and the first culvert on Maha Wewa road.
4.18pm a Ruddy Mongoose between the last culvert and Maha Wewa.
4.23pm a large Mugger Crocodile sunning at Maha Wewa.
5.03pm a Black-naped Hare at Divulgasmandiya.
5.06pm a Buffalo with an injured eye at Palukola Wala.
5.36pm a Philippine Shrike Lanius cristatus lucionensis between Palu Kola Wala and Divulgasmandiya. This is a rare subspecies of the Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus cristatus, which is a very common migrant to the country.
5.37pm two Ruddy Mongoose between Palu Kola Wala and Divulgasmandiya.
5.40pm a Barking Deer at Thammanna Wala.
5.47pm a Leopard between Thammanna Wala and Percy Bendi Wewa. N 08.33915, E 080.12389
The female Leopard was seated on the left edge of the road and was observing some ting to her right. Her behavior indicated that she was focused on the movements of some prey. As I was photographing she moved across the road and started to run away from us while having her attention on some animal in the undergrowth. Thereafter she moved in to the forest. Upon examining her spot pattern I noted that this is the same female I observed in the morning, Maradanmaduwa Female 3 (MMF 3). As the leopard moved in to the forest we drove off a short distance beyond Percy Bendi Wewa, turned back and arrived at the same location to find the Leopard on the road again. Unfortunately she was disturbed by another vehicle that arrived and moved in to the forest.
6.25pm left the park
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 1, Indian Buffalo 33, Sambhur 1, Spotted Deer 92, Wild Boar 23, Barking Deer 3, Golden Jackal 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Indian Grey Mongoose 2, Ruddy Mongoose 6, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Russell’s Viper, Mugger Crocodile 4, Star Tortoise 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
7th March 2020
7.04am entered the park with guide Tissa Ratnayake.
7.06am 12 Spotted Deer at the park entrance.
7.12am 2 Spotted Deer at Ranawara pitiya.
7.21am a Ruddy Mongoose between Paaluwilandawa junction and Thammanna Wala
7.43am a Black-naped Hare, 15 Spotted Deer and 8 Indian Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
7.48am a herd of 63 Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa. The showers observed at the park entrance are the previous night had extended even up to Maha Wewa.
7.52am an Osprey perched on a dead tree stump at Maha Wewa.
7.56am 8 Wild Boar at Maha Wewa.
8.46am a sounder of 16 Wild Boar including 8 tiny piglets.
8.51am 7 more Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
8.52am a Ruddy Mongoose at Maha Wewa.
9.13am a lone Indian Buffalo at Thammanna Wala.
9.36am a Star Tortoise drinking at Divulgasmandiya pond.
9.39am the lone Buffalo with the infected eye at Palu Kola Wala.
9.44am a herd of 7 Buffalo including a playful calf between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa.
9.52am a Star Tortoise and a single Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
10.20am another male intermediate morph Indian Paradise Flycatcher between Kokkare Villu and Kuruttupandi Villu.
11.09am 6 Spotted Deer at Kanjuran Villu.
11.42am 12 Spotted Deer at Mara Wila.
11.42am started to rain.
11.43am a Little Grebe in Mara Wila had caught a large tadpole.
12.24pm a Ruddy Mongoose at Ilanda Motte.
12.25pm another Ruddy Mongoose between Illanda Motte and Down Hall pitiya.
12.34pm 2 Golden Jackal at Mana Wila.
12.45pm the Moonamal Mimusops elengi (Spanish Cherry Tree) at the Mana Wila bungalow was in fruit and had attracted a few Giant Squirrels who were gorging on the fruits. These fruits are edible and the fruits and bark of this tree is used in Ayurveda medicine.
1.34pm a Wild Boar at Kattarambuwa. The water plant, Giant Ambulia were in bloom.
1.42pm an adult male Wild Boar ran across the road at Herathhamy Wala.
1.45pm “Ira Wara” Cadaba trifoliate in bloom between Herathhamy Wala and Mana Wila.
2.07pm large areas of Kuruttupandi Villu are covered with millions of Small Horsefly’s Eye Dopatrium nudicaule(Heen Bim Savan) and Pipeworts Eriocaulon sp (Kok Mota).
2.18pm 3 Spotted Deer and a Large Cormorant at Kudapatessa.
2.46pm Kala Wel Derris parviflora in bloom one Kokkare villu upper road. The beautiful inflorescence had attracted many species of nectar feeding insects.
2.54pm 23 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila
3.05pm a troop of Grey Langur between Nelum Wila and Panikkar villu.
3.59pm a Spotted Deer between Panikkar Villu and Nelum Wila.
4.06pm a Nest of Black-naped Monarch at Nelum Wila.
4.17pm 8 more Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila pitiya.
4.25pm 8 Indian Buffalo at Kokkare Villu.
4.29pm 23 Spotted Deer at Kokkare Villu.
4.43pm a large Mugger Crocodile at Mahapatessa.
4.44pm 16 Spotted Deer at an Indian Buffalo at Mahapatessa.
4.48pm 22 Spotted Deer at Thimbiri Wila.
5.05pm one Elephant with tiny two stubs of tusks drinking at Borupan Wila.
5.39pm a Sloth Bear, sleeping by the side of the road at Maradanmaduwa.
6.13pm 3 Sambhur about 100 meters from the park entrance.
6.20pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Sloth Bear 1, Indian Buffalo 26, Sambhur, Spotted Deer 214, Wild Boar 34, Golden Jackal 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose 4, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 3, Star Tortoise 2, Flapshell Turtle 1, Parker’s Black Turtle 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
8th March 2020
6.53am entered the park with guide Tissa Ratnayake.
6.55am a Barking Deer between the park entrance and the Tamarind Tree.
6.56am a Spotted Deer stag between park entrance and Kone Gha Ela.
7.25am a Sambhur stag between Percy Bendi Wewa and Nuga Gala on Makalanmaduwa road.
7.43am a troop of Grey Langur between Nuga Gala and “Maha Galthalawa” on Makalanmaduwa road.
9.13am the lone Indian Buffalo at Palu Kola Wala.
9.32am 2 Sambhur close to Ibba Wala.
10.03am a sounder of 16 Wild Boar at Borupan Wila.
10.43am an adult and a sub adult Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher on Lunu Wewa road. The adult was feeding on a caterpillar.
10.44am troop of Grey Langur on Lunu Wewa road.
11.02am 15 Spotted Deer at Borupan Wila.
11.08am 13 Spotted Deer at Thimbiri Wila.
11.39am an adult male Wild Boar at Kuruttupandi Villu.
11.47am a Ruddy Mongoose on Kokkare Villu upper road.
12.12pm a Yellow Wagtail belonging to the race thunbergi at Aalam Villu.
12.34pm another Ruddy Mongoose on Kokkare Villu upper road.
12.41pm one Leopard at Borupan pitiya. N 08.42414, E 080.02631
We arrived at Borupan pitiya and my attention was immediately drawn at a female Indian Peafowl with three chicks in the open filed. Her neck feathers were puffed up and her agitated behavior indicated the presence of a predator. Our search was fruitful as we spotted a young male leopard at Borupan pitiya. It was a very brief sighting where we observed the leopard walking in to the jungle from a small patch of foliage. However upon examination of its spot pattern I was able to identify the leopard as the Borupan pitiya Leopard 2 that I had listed under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section. I was pleased that I finally managed to see this Leopard but wished I had a better sighting. As this is my first sighting of this animal I named it Borupan Pitiya Male 1 (BPM 1). Its estimated age is around 2 years and 4 months.
2.08pm 2 Spotted Deer at Kombansanchipooval.
2.11pm a sounder of 24 Wild Boar and 2 Spotted Deer at Tala Wila.
2.19pm troop of Grey Langur between Tala Wila and Phill Motte.
2.23pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Tala Wila and Phill Motte.
2.34pm another Ruddy Mongoose at Pallekandal pitiya.
2.46pm a colony of Striated Weaver’s had commenced building nests in the reeds beds at Pomparippu. Despite using the same material (strands of Reeds or Bulrush leaves) to build their nests this species unlike the nests of the Baya Weavers, which are built on trees, will always built their nests a few feet above the water in reed beds. Even though the nests of this species are devoid of the striking long cylindrical exists of their cousins, the Baya Weavers, it never fails to amaze me as to how such a small bird is able to build a nest so neatly woven using only its tiny beak.
2.54pm an immature Mugger Crocodile at Uththamadaru Bridge.
3.35pm one Leopard at Tala Wila. N 08.37915, E 079.94404
We arrived at Tala Wila from Pomparippu and heard the alarm calls of Spotted Deer from the direction of the road to Kombansanchaipooval. We quickly drove down expecting to see a leopard on the road but the direction of the alarm calls shifted towards the villu. Upon returning to Tala Wila we spotted a Leopard close to the Pomparippu road. It was an adult female and she walked along the edge of the forest, crossed the road and continued to walk and mark the bushes along the forest edge across the villu. Upon examining the spot pattern I was happy to note that this is Kombansanchaipooval Female 1 (KSPF 1). In late January this female was observed with two small cubs at Tala Wila. She appeared to have taken them across the villu as she walked across purposefully and moved in to the forest.
4.04pm a White-necked Stork sunning it self with its wings extended at Nelum Wila pitiya.
4.24pm a large Mugger Crocodile on Kokkare Villu upper road. The smell of rotting flesh from the jungle indicated that the reptile had moved out of the water in search of a carcass, perhaps the remains of a leopards kill.
4.31pm a Russell’s Viper on the road at Madangaha Wala on Kokkare Villu upper road.
5.49pm a Black-naped Hare at Percy Bendi Wewa.
5.50pm we arrived at Percy Bendi Wewa and spotted a bull Elephant on the bund across the water body. I stopped at the park entrance end of the bund. In a short while two young bull Elephants walked down and started to drink. Soon thereafter I was thrilled to see three females walking hurriedly towards water along with a small calf. The rest of the herd totaling up to 8 animals arrived at the waters edge and started to drink. Watching wild Elephants at water is always a treat. As the vehicles started to arrive and the human noise levels on the bund increased the herd, having quenched their thirst, moved back in to the forest.
6.20pm left the park.
8.40pm after dinner Susil Kumara, the owner of Dolosmahe guesthouse, kindly agreed to accompany me on a nocturnal game drive on roads out side the park.
8.44pm Susil spotted a Jungle Cat with his powerful torch. The cat was at a distance of in a paddy field that had been harvested. We got off the vehicle and walked about 200 meters in to the filed in pursuit of the elusive feline. Each time we got close the cat would move further away. Walking in the dark along the narrow uneven bunds of the paddy field while carrying the camera was no easy task for me. Every now and then I wanted Susil to flash the torch around to look for Elephants that often frequent these fields. As the moon is almost full it is not too difficult to detect Elephants with the torch, if they around sir Susil whispered. I nodded in agreement. The Jungle Cats are attracted to these fields as they are full of mice and frogs at night, he whispered again. They also attract Russel’s Vipers and Cobra’s I thought. Despite my fascination for snakes I wished “not now”. After some effort we managed to approach the cat close enough and the elusive feline obliged me with a few photos.
9.10pm while walking back observed a small Flapshel Turtle in the muddy water of the paddy filed.
9.20pm Susil spotted another Jungle Cat in a paddy field close to Rada Wewa tank on our way to Holambalagama tank.
9.45pm the next subject that was of interest was a Long-tailed Nightjar that kept calling out while perched on an exposed dried up branch. This species unlike its cousin the Indian Nightjar is very difficult to spot during the day.
9.50pm a Parker’s Black Turtle on the road to Holambalagama.
9.56pm a large Mugger Crocodile at Holambalagama tank.
10.10pm 2 Golden Jackal and 3 Spotted Deer at Holambalagama Tank.
10.32pm the highlight of the tour was a Rusty Spotted Cat that Susil managed to locate while we were driving back from Holambalagama Tank. We were fortunate enough to observe this elusive cat for almost 30 minutes. It was seated on the fork of a tree by the side of the road. The cat was quite relaxed and was not too bothered by our presence or the torchlight. Susil ensured that the torch beam was not aimed directly at the animal but the “ring light” was used enabling the animal to have its eyes opened and giving just enough light for me to get some shots. After some time the cat started licking itself and I as I expected within a few minutes moved out of sight. I have noted on many a occasion that domestic cats as well as leopards will start liking their paws and bodies just before getting up and walking away. When it moved I observed that it was a male. Even though I had seen Rusty Spotted Cats at Wilpattu this is my opportunity of getting some images of this elusive nocturnal cat, which is the smallest wildcat species in the world.
11.15pm spotted another Jungle Cat on the main road. This animal was feeding on the dead frogs and other small road kills.
11.45pm we arrived back at Dolosmahe Guest House.
Mammals - Elephant 9, Leopard 2, Indian Buffalo 1, Sambhur 3, Spotted Deer 34, Wild Boar 41, Barking Deer 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose 4, Rusty Spotted Cat 1, Jungle Cat 3, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Russell’s Viper 1, Mugger Crocodile 2, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
9th March 2020
6.50am entered the park with guide Tissa Rtanayake.
7.00am 3 White-necked Storks, Two Ruddy Mongoose and a large Mugger Crocodile at Percy Bendi Wewa.
7.30am 2 Barking Deer between Thammanna Wala and Maha Wewa.
7.39am 8 Indian Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
7.44am a Sambhur stag at Maha Wewa.
7.47am a Barking Deer and 27 Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
7.59am 2 more Spotted Deer on Maha Wewa bund.
8.00pm 2 Mugger Crocodile and a herd of 28 Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
8.29pm a Rufous-bellied Hawk Eagle at Maha Wewa. This is my first sighting of this species at Wilpattu.
8.36am 4 Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
8.46am troop of Grey Langur between Maha Wewa and Thammanna Wala.
9.00am a baby Mugger Crocodile and 4 Flapshell Turtles at Palu Kola Wala.
9.40am one Leopard at Borupan pitiya. N 08.42391, E 080.02543
On my way from Maradanmaduwa many jeep drivers informed us that they had observed a male leopard at Borupan pitiya in the morning. Upon arriving at the location I was fortunate to spot the leopard among the dried grass (Boru Pan Eleocharis dulcis). After lying at the edge of the grass filed for a few minutes the young male leopard moved through the grass towards Borupan pitiya Wala. Perhaps he was keen to drink at the small pool. I signaled the others to wait until the leopard reached the pool. But unfortunately the guests in a few vehicles were impatient and reversed at great speed disturbing the leopard. Much to our dismay he stopped and started walking in the opposite direction. Thankfully the vehicles gave him space this time with the more experienced jeep drives stopping at a distance to allow adequate space for the animal to cross the road. After a bit of hesitation the leopard crossed the road that leads to Lunu Wewa and walked in to the forest in the direction of Vilanda Wala. Upon checking the spot pattern I was pleased to note that this is Borupan Pitiya Leopard 1 (BPM 1) that I photographed yesterday.
10.38am three White-necked Stork at Nelum Wila pitiya.
10.44am one Golden Jackal between Nelum Wila and Panikkar Villu.
10.57am 3 Spotted Deer and a lone bull elephant at Panikkar Villu.
10.58am an adult male Wild boar in a muddy pool at Panikkar Villu.
12.13pm a nest of Purple-rumped Sunbird at Nelum Wila. The female visited the nest and moved inside.
1.34pm one Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
2.32pm one Leopard at Kokkare Villu upper road. N 08.42165, E 079.98225
The leopard was lying on the forest floor at the foot of a tree about 50 meters inside the forest and was hardly visible. We spotted him with the greatest of difficulty and managed to get a few record images just adequate to arrive at accurate identity. The leopard was Nelum Wila Female 2 NWF 2.
3.53pm a herd of 6 Buffalo at Nelum Wila pitiya.
3.54pm 5 Spotted Deer and a lone Wild Boar at Nelum Wila pitiya.
4.35pm 10 Spotted Deer at Mahapatessa.
4.38pm a baby Mugger Crocodile sunning it self atop some Elephant dung on Eriyakkulampooval.
4.41pm 2 Mugger Crocodiles at Mahapatessa.
4.48pm a single flower of the leafless wild orchid Vanilla walkerae at Thimbiri Wila.
4.50pm a sounder of 15 Wild Boar and 2 large Mugger Crocodiles at Borupan Wila.
5.11pm a Sloth Bear at Thambioluwa.
5.22pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Galwanguwa and Galwanguwa pond.
5.41pm a lone Buffalo and 2 Spotted Deer at Percy Bendi Wewa.
6.15pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 2, Leopard 1, Sloth Bear 1, Indian Buffalo 43, Sambhur 1, Spotted Deer 53, Wild Boar 17, Barking Deer 3, Golden Jackal 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 3, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 9, Flapshell Turtle 4, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Rufous-bellied Hawk Eagle, Gargany, Long-tailed Nightjar, Crested Honey Buzzard, Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, Yellow-wattled Lapwings, White-necked Stork, Striated Weaver, Philippine Shrike, Red-winged Crested Cuckoo & Osprey
Butterflies – Tawny Rajah, Blue Mormon, Great Orange Tip, Red Spot Duke, Lime Butterfly, Crimson Rose, Common Rose, Common Mormon, Monkey Puzzle, Blue Tiger, Common Tiger, Lemon Migrant, Lesser Albatross, Common Indian Crow & Tawny coaster
Wild Orchids – Vanda spathulata, Vanda tessellate, Vanilla walkerae
Fruiting trees – Moona Mal trees in fruit
Wild Flowers - Sudu Kala Wel Derris parviflora, Asiatic Bushbeech Gmelina asiatica, Wellangiriya Capparis brevispina, Ceylon Osbeckia Osbeckia zeylanica, Chinese Violet Asystasia gangetica, Yellow Bell Bauhinia Bauhinia tomentosa, Indian Cadaba Cadaba trifoliate, Swamp Foxglove Centranthera indica, Small Horsefly’s Eye Dopatrium nudicaule, Dwaf Morning Glory Evolvulus alsinoides, Giant Ambulia Limnophila aquatic, Malabar False Eranthamum Pseuderanthemum latifolium, Fire Cracker Flower Crossandra infundibuliformis & Wild Nightshade Solanum sp.
Ranawara, Kiri Kone Walsura trifoliolata & Lunu Warna Crataeva adansonii trees were in bloom.
7.09am entered the park with guide Hashan Madushanka
7.41am a Barking Deer between Paaluwinlandawa junction and Thammanna Wala.
8.06am 2 Wild Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
8.17am 14 Wild Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
8.21am 2 Spotted Deer at Maha Wewa.
8.43am 6 Wild Buffalo at Maha Wewa
8.52am 27 more Wild Buffalo at Maha Wewa
9.00ama pair of Brown Fish Owls at Maha Wewa. The male of this species can be identified by the slight orange colour of its iris.
9.13am a male Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher between Maha Wewa and Thammanna Wala.
9.31am 3 Sambhur between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa.
9.33am an adult male Wild Buffalo between Palu Kola Wala and Gal Wanguwa
9.35am a Barking Deer between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa
9.40am 6 Wild Buffalo including a newly born calf at Maradanmaduwa.
9.44am 2 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
10.09am a Barking Deer crossed the road between Borupan junction and Kumbuk Wila.
10.10am a Ruddy Mongoose between Borupan junction and Kumbuk Wila.
10.11am a troop of Grey Langur between Borupan junction and Kumbuk Wila.
10.24am 4 Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road.
10.25am one Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
10.49am a Common Skink Eutropis carinata lankae at Eriyakkulampooval.
11.31am we arrived at Aalam Villu and decided to drive around in the direction of the road to Erenapala motte. Hashan spotted some thing unusual inside the forest and asked me to reverse the vehicle. It was an Elephant lying flat on the ground about 15 feet inside the forest. We observed the animal for a while and realized that he was asleep. After a few minutes the Elephant woke up and moved in to the forest.
1.57pm one Elephant at Aalam Villu. It’s very likely that this is the same animal that we observed sleeping in the morning.
2.25pm a Spotted Deer at Kokkare Villu.
3.50pm one Leopard at Kokkare Villu upper road. N 08.42128, E 079.98223
The leopard was lying at the foot of a tree and was partially covered with foliage. I managed to get a few images for record purposes and moved off to permit the others to have a view. Upon examining the spot pattern I realized that this is the female leopard that I have named as Nelum Wila Leopard 4 under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section. It is the same litter sibling of Nelum Wila Male 5 and Nelum Wila Female 3 (two tone) As this is my first sighting of this elusive female I named it Nelum Wila Female 2 (NWF 2).
3.52pm 2 Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road.
4.36pm a Golden Jackal between Palu Kola Wala and Kalagedi Bokkuwa.
5.01pm a lone Bull Elephant was on the road at Weli Ela. He walked slowly towards the park entrance. After a few anxious moments of him turning in our direction the standoff was over when he moved in to the forest. As I drove past he trumpeted and turned but did not charge.
6.15pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 3, Leopard 1,Wild Buffalo 56, Sambhur 3, Spotted Deer 11, Barking Deer 3, Golden Jackal 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 1, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles –Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Green Garden Lizard 1, Painted-lip Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
2nd February 2020
6.17am entered the park with guide Hashan Madushanka
6.40am a Ruddy Mongoose at Palu Kola Wala.
6.42am 2 Sambhur between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa
6.49am a heard 8 Spotted Deer and of 7 Wild Buffalo at Maradanmaduwa.
6.53am a troop of Grey Langur between Maradanmaduwa and Thambioluwa.
7.35am a male and a female leopard at Kudapatessa. N 08.43129, E 079.99345
I was informed of a mating pair of Leopards seen the previous day evening at Kuruttupandi Villu. Thus I arrived at the park entrance at 2.30am to ensure that I will be the first vehicle to enter the park. We drove down to Kuruttupandi Villu and had no luck but arrived at Kudapataess to spot the two leopards in the nick of time before they moved in to the forest. The male and the female exhibited typical leopard mating behavior but did not mate. They walked together in the direction of the sand dune across the villu but thankfully the female stopped and laid down resulting in the male to stop as well. After a few minutes the male resumed the walk followed by the female. Both the leopards walked over the sand dune in to the forest. The male was the Nelum Wila Mlae 5 (NWMC 5) and the female was Manikrala Uraniya Female 1 (MRUF 1). I received images of these two leopards mating on the 14th of February in 2019 and thereafter again on the 12th of June the same year. However this female is yet to conceive.
8.04am 4 Spotted Deer and a Wild Boar at Nelum Wila.
8.20am three leopards at Aalam Villu. N 08.40289, E 079.95450
We drove down to Aalam Villu and spotted an adult female Leopard lying down on a small sand patch across the water body. Two other young female leopards were seen to our right and were walking towards the female. Their walk would suddenly break in to a sprint, as one would playfully chase the other. Upon reaching their mother the two cubs started to rub their heads against her. After a few minutes the adult female stood up and moved in the direction of the forest followed by one cub. The other was still lying down on the sand patch. Having walked up to the forest edge the adult female turned and looked back at the cub still lying down. Almost instantly the cub walked up to her mother. There after they all moved in to the forest. Later upon examination of their spot patterns I was able to identify the mother as the Panikkar Villu Female 2 (PVFC 2). I had photographed this female in January 2015 at Panikkar Villu sand patch when she was a cub of 5 months. In August 2017 I observed her with an adult male (Aalam Villu Male 2) at Aalam Villu. There after in November 2018 I was fortunate enough to see her two cubs for the first time at Panikkar Villu when they were about 4 months of age. I was only able to photograph one of them then and named it Panikkar Villu Female 3 (PVFC 3). Upon receiving images of the other cub from those who share their images with me I have listed it under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section as Panikkar Villu Leopard 3. I was thrilled with this sighting as this female is quite elusive. Until now I was not able to determine the mother of these two cubs, as I had not received any images of them with their mother. The mother is 5 years and 4 months and the cubs a year and six months of age as at now. As this is my first sighting of the second cub I named it Panikkar Villu Female 4 (PVFC 4).
8.55am a Mugger Crocodile at Aalam Vullu.
9.06am 2 Crested Hawk Eagles mated at Aalam Villu.
10.05am one Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
10.39am we drove up to Illanda Motte and were surprised to see another Leopard on the road. N 08.45756, E 079.98941
It was a shy young male leopard and had its body lowered to the ground upon our arrival. As soon as we saw him he ran in to the forest. As it was obvious that this is not a leopard that is habituated much with vehicles I revered and waited for some time expecting the leopard to move back on to the road but had no luck. Thus I drove passed the location where the leopard enter the forest and saw him seated about 15 feet in the thicket. I continued to drive well beyond where the animal was seen, as I wanted him to be relaxed with the vehicle and turned back. When I arrived at the spot the leopard was still there and I managed to get a few images of this shy animal before he disappeared further in to the forest. Having examined its spot pattern I realized that this is not a leopard that I was familiar with and suspected that it is an animal that is not in my database. My suspicion was confirmed upon comparing his spot pattern with all the others. It was a young well-built male leopard of about 2 years and six months in age. As this is my first sighting of this animal I named it Illanda Motte Male 1 (IMM 1).
11.04am troop of Grey Langur between Down Hall Pitiya and Mana Wila.
11.19am a Sambhur that was drinking at Herathhamy Wala trotted in to he forest upon our arrival.
11.45am I photographed two sub adult Little Grebe at Kumutu Wila. While I was waiting for these tiny birds to emerge from their frequent dives two Wild Boars came to water across the villu.
12.38pm 9 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila pitiya.
12.47pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Nelum Wila and Nelum Wila sand pacth.
1.48pm a Spotted Deer at Aalam Villu.
2.48pm a Lesser Adjutant Stork at Pallekandal pitiya.
2.58pm 24 Elephants in three herds of 7,8 and 9 individuals at Pomparippu. The herd of 9 included a small tusker as well.
3.00pm A Ruddy Mongoose at Pomparippu.
3.28pm a sounder of 21 Wild Boar at Tala Wila.
3.43pm one Leopard at Tala Wila. N 08.37965, E 079.94736
The leopard was stalking a Peahen and had its body lowered to the ground with its ears flat. It was on a patch of shade and was observing the movements of the bird intently. While I was photographing all at once she charged but was not successful. The Peahen flew off with a series of loud alarm calls. With the arrival of another two vehicles the Leopard moved in to the forest. I was pleased to note that this is Kombansanchaipooval Female 1 (KSPF 1), the mother of the two small cubs seen at this location. Unfortunately for me the two cubs were not with her, as she appear to have left them behind to go on a hunt.
4.47pm a Yellow Wagtail of the race Thunbergi at Eriyakkulampooval.
4.49pm a Mugger Crocodile and a sounder of 12 Wild Boar at Mahapatessa.
5.00pm one Elephant and a Wild Buffalo at Borupan Wila.
5.01pm 5 Spotted Deer at Borupan Wila.
5.08pm one male Wild Buffalo between Borupan Wila and Borupan junction.
4.46pm a Leopard between “Eda Kohomba Gaha pitiya” and Palukola Wala. N 08.36157, E 080.09512
It was young male leopard and he was seated behind some foliage. Much to my relief the leopard moved out within a few minutes and lay down on a small mound of earth permitting the visitors to get some clear images. After a few minutes, with the increase in the number of vehicles, the young male walked in to the forest. Later upon examining its spot pattern I was pleased to note that this is the male cub of the Kalagedi Bokkuwa Female 1 (KBFC 1), the female that was found close to Thammanna Wala in a very feeble condition on the 19th of December 2019 and was removed by the park officials on the same day to administer treatment. It was later learnt that she had died within a few days of being removed from the park. I had listed this male cub as Thammanna Wala Leopard 1 under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section on my site. At the time of her death this male cub was only one year and 2 months. Usually leopard cubs would stay with their mothers until they are close to two years. I was concerned over the survival of this cub and was keen to find out whether he would be able to hunt and survive. I had requested the guides and jeep drivers to keep me informed of any sightings of this cub and had only two records from them supported by images for confirmation. Thus this sighting was very special and I was thrilled to note that despite the untimely death of his mother this young leopard has managed to survive. As this is my first sighting of this leopard I named it Thammanna Wala Male 1 (THWMC 1). Its current age is one year and 4 months.
6.00pm left the park.
During the day I was fortunate to observe and photograph 8 different leopards. This is the highest number I had seen during a single day at Wilpattu so far.
Mammals - Elephant 26, Leopard 8, Wild Buffalo 9, Sambhur 3, Spotted Deer 27, Wild Boar 36, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 3, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 2, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
3rd February 2020
6.15am entered the park with guide Hashan Madushanka.
6.16am 4 Spotted Deer at the park entrance.
6.27am one Wild Buffalo between Percy Bendi Wewa and Paaluillandawa junction.
6.36am another Wild Buffalo between Kalagedi Bokkuwa and Palu Kola Wala.
6.42am an adult male Sambhur sporting an impressive pair of antlers was on the road looking in our direction between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa. Unfortunately the impressive beast trotted in to the forest before I was able to get any images.
6.45am about 12 Spotted Deer at Galwanguwa.
6.47am one Leopard at Maradanmaduwa. N 08.37157, E 080. 07440
It was a big male leopard and he was marking the bushes by the side of the road. It was a very brief sighting as the animal quickly moved in to the forest. Upon examination of its spot pattern I was pleased to note that this is Maradanmaduwa Male 3 (MMM 3), referred to as “Gota” by the guides and jeep drivers.
6.51am about 12 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
7.37am a troop of Grey Langur at Maradanmaduwa.
8.16am one Ruddy Mongoose between Thammanna Wala and Maha Wewa.
8.25am 2 Ruddy Mongoose at Thammanna Wala.
8.48am a troop of Grey Langur at Percy Bendi Wewa.
8.53am another troop of Grey Langur between Ranawara pitiya and the park entrance.
9.01am about 13 Spotted Deer between Weli Ela and Ranawara pitiya.
9.26am 3 Sambhur between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa.
9.50am 5 Wild Buffalo at Thambioluwa.
9.54am one more Wild Buffalo at Ibba Wala.
10.21am one Mugger Crocodile at Borupan Wila.
10.37am 2 Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road.
10.44am one Elephant at Kokkare Villu.
10.47am a troop of Grey Langur and one Barking Deer at Kokare Villu.
12.01pm a Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road.
12.24pm one Ruddy Mongoose on Panikkar Villu upper road.
1.26am an adult male Wild Boar at Kombansanchaipooval.
1.29am 12 Spotted Deer at Panikkar Villu.
2.01pm a sounder of 8 Wild Boar on Kokkare Villu upper road.
3.34pm 2 Elephants at Percy Bendi Wewa. They had walked in to the water and were bathing.
3.47pm a Star Tortoise between Ranawara pitiya and Weli Ela.
4.25pm left the park.
5.17pm photographed a Blue-throated Flycatcher at Holambalagama Tank. This is a rare migrant and my first record of this species at Wilpattu.
Mammals - Elephant 1, Leopard 1, Wild Buffalo 8, Sambhur 4, Spotted Deer 55, Wild Boar 8, Barking Deer 1, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 4, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 1 , Star Tortoise 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
4th February 2020
7.16am entered the park with guide Hashan Madushanka
8.25am 4 Spotted Deer between “Nuga Gala” and Percy Bendi Wewa on Makalanmaduwa road.
9.02am a Barking Deer at Thammanna Wala.
9.27am a Ruddy Mongoose between Thammanna Wala and Paaluilandawa junction.
9.37am another Ruddy Mongoose between Thammanna Wala and Paaluilandawa junction.
9.50am one Wild Buffalo between Palu Kola Wala and Galwanguwa.
10.02am a bachelor party of 9 Spotted Deer stags between Maradanmaduwa and Maha Wewa.
10.13am 3 more Spotted Deer stags between Maradanmaduwa and Maha Wewa.
10.19am 4 Spotted Deer and 9 Wild Buffalo at Maradanmaduwa.
10.20am 2 Spotted Deer at “Kukul Katu” pitiya.
10.50am Chestnut-headed Bee Eaters darting at flying insects and returning to the same perch at Borupan junction.
11.02am 9 Wild Boar at Borupan Wila.
11.20am 4 Spotted Deer crossed the road at Lunu Wewa.
11.30am 4 Spotted Deer at Borupan Wila.
11.52am 6 Wild Buffalo in the water at Eriyakkulampooval.
12.10pm a Flapshell Turtle at Illanda Motte.
1.51pm one Elephant at Kokkare villu.
2.25pm a Crested Honey Buzzard at Maradanmaduwa.
2.45pm a sounder of 18 Wild Boar at Tala Wila.
3.41pm 2 Ruddy Mongoose between Illanda Motte and Manikrala Uraniya.
3.44pm a Golden Jackal at Mahapatessa.
4.11pm 2 Spotted Deer at Kokkare Villu.
5.46pm one Elephant at Weli Ela.
5.48pm a Golden Jackal between Weli Ela and the park entrance.
6.15pm left the park.
Mammals - Elephant 2, Wild Buffalo 16, Spotted Deer 32, Wild Boar 27, Barking Deer 1, Golden Jackal 2, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 4, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles –Flapshell Turtle 1 , Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork, Blue-throated Flycatcher
Butterflies – Red Spot Duke, Tawny Rajah, Ceylon Lacewing, Blue Mormon, Banded Peacock, Crimson Rose, Common Mormon, Great Orange Tip, Quaker, Blue Wanderer, Dark Blue Tiger, Blue Tiger, Tailed Jay, Great Eggfly.
Wild Orchids – Vanda spathulata, Vanda tessellate
Fruiting trees -
Wild Flowers - Ceylon Osbeckia Osbeckia zeylanica, Chinese Violet Asystasia gangetica, Yellow Bell Bauhinia Bauhinia tomentosa, Indian Cadaba Cadaba trifoliate, Gray Nicker Caesalpinia bonducella, Bird Flower Crotalaria laburnifolia, Small Horsefly’s Eye Dopatrium nudicaule, Dwaf Morning Glory Evolvulus alsinoides, Glory Lily, Flame Lily Gloriosa superba, Maple-leaved Mallow Hibiscus eriocarpus, Ceylon Leadwort Plumbago zeylanica, Wild Nightshade Solanum sp.
Ranawara & Lunu Warna Crataeva adansonii trees were in bloom.
6.22am entered the park with guide Tissa Ratnayake.
15 Spotted Deer at the park entrance.
6.45am 4 Leopards on the road between Percy Bendi Wewa and Thammanna Wala. Even though I was able to see them at a distance there was no opportunity to get any images, as there were about 7 vehicles ahead of me. By the time they were able to give way the leopards had moved in o the forest.
6.56am 7 Spotted Deer at Thammanna Wala.
6.57am 4 Spotted Deer at Divulgas Mandiya.
7.08am 4 Spotted Deer at “Eda Kohombagaha pitiya”.
7.11am 16 Spotted Deer at Maradanmaduwa.
7.12am 4 more Spotted Deer at Kukulkatu pitiya.
7.22am 2 Spotted Deer between Ibba Wala and Humbas Wala
7.31am a Mugger Crocodile at Walas Wala. The renovation of the bund has resulted in this water body expanding to become a small reservoir, which is filled to the brim due to recent rains. This water body should be of great value to the animals during the dry season.
7.32am 2 Sambhur between Walas Wala and Borupan junction.
7.46am 5 Spotted Deer on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
7.56am 2 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila.
8.39am 2 Spotted Deer between Nelum Wila and Panikkar Villu.
8.46am 9 Spotted Deer at Nelum Wila.
10.15am a troop of Grey Langur between Maradanmaduwa and Maha Wewa.
10.33am 3 Spotted Deer between Maradanmaduwa and Maha Wewa.
10.36am 26 more Spotted Deer between Maradanmaduwa and Maha Wewa.
10.57am 17 Wild Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
10.58am 2 more Wild Buffalo at Maha Wewa.
11.03am 2 more Wild Buffalo at Maha Wewa
11.33am 1 adult male Wild Buffalo between Palu Kola Wala and Maradanmaduwa.
11.42am a Leopard darted across the road between Maradanmaduwa and Thambioluwa.
1.21pm a Blue Mormon feeding on some Ceylon Leadwort flowers on Kokkare Villu upper road.
1.30pm 4 Spotted Deer between Kokkare Villu and Kuruttupandi Villu.
2.00pm 2 Spotted Deer at Mana Wila.
2.05pm 4 more Spotted Deer between Mana Wila and Herathhamy Wala.
3.15pm a Mugger Crocodile at Kuruttupandi Villu.
3.29pm 2 Ruddy Mongoose on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
4.21pm 2 Golden Jackal between Palu Kola Wala and Kalagedi Bokkuwa.
5.37pm a Golden Jackal at Percy Bendi Wewa.
5.41pm a Barking Deer between Ranawara pitiya and Weli Ela.
5.55pm left the park.
Mammals - Leopard 5, Wild Buffalo 22, Sambhur 2, Spotted Deer 105, Barking Deer 1, Golden Jackal 3, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Ruddy Mongoose 2, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Mugger Crocodile 3, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
11th January 2020
6.11am entered the park with guide Tissa Ratnayake.
6.15am a Leopard walked across the road ahead of us between the park entrance and Kone Gaha ela but photography was not possible due to low light. A carcass of a Golden Jackal was lying by the side of the road where the leopard crossed but the predator did not show any interest. The injuries to the neck suggested that it was killed by a predator.
6.30am a Leopard that was on the road moved in to the forest between Thamanna Wala and the first glade on the road to Maha Wewa. The animal gave me no opportunity for photography.
6.40am 7 Spotted Deer at Thamanna Wala.
6.52am 11 Spotted Deer between Galwanguwa and Eda Kohombagaha pitiya.
6.57am a herd of 7 Wild Buffalo at Maradanmaduwa.
8.48am a Black-naped Hare at Maha Wewa.
9.21am 4 Spotted Deer between Kalagedi Bokkuwa and Palu Kola Wala.
10.01am a Ruddy Mongoose at Borupan junction.
10.20am one Leopard that was lying on the road between Borupan Wila and thimbiri Wila moved in to the forest as we arrived. Again there was no opportunity to get any images. During this trip so far I had seen 8 leopards but there was no opportunity for photography.
10.41am 8 Spotted Deer at Kokkare Villu.
10.42am a Ruddy Mongoose at Kokkare Villu.
10.45am the carnivorous plant Tropical Sundew Drosera burmannii was observed at Kokkare Villu.
11.29am a sounder of 18 Wild Boar between Kombansanchaipooval and Tala Wila.
11.43am 6 Spotted Deer at Panikkar Villu.
12.12pm a pair of Barking Deer between Nelum Wila and Thamanna Gaha junction.
1.24pm a sub adult Crested Hawk Eagle in its first year of life was feeding on a Slender Loris kill on the road at Herathhamy Wala. The raptor flew up on to a tree permitting me to get a few record shots of the bird with its prey.
2.20pm pair of Crimson-backed Woodpeckers was nesting on a Thelambu tree at Manik Wila. They chased away a few persistent Rose-ringed Parakeets that were also interested in examining the tree holes on the same tree. This species is much less common than the Golden-backed/ Red-backed Woodpeckers, which are usually seen in the park. They are more often heard than seen. The female was more aggressive than the male. She would alight on nearby trees and launch her attack on the Parakeets.
2.24pm a male Wild Boar at Manik Wila.
2.47pm a Spotted Deer on Kokkare Villu upper road.
2.59pm 2 Ruddy Mongoose at Borupan junction.
3.37pm a Star Tortoise on the road to Lunu Wewa bungalow from Borupan Wila.
4.48pm a Spotted Deer at Thambioluwa.
5.07pm a Black-naped Hare at Galwanguwa.
5.48pm left the park.
Mammals - Leopard 3, Wild Buffalo 7, Spotted Deer 38, Wild Boar 19, Barking Deer 2, White – spotted Chevrotain, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Black-naped Hare 1, Ruddy Mongoose 4, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles –Star Tortoise 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
12th January 2020
I received information that a leopard had entered the Lunu Wewa bungalow around 7pm causing much distress to the visitors who are in occupation of the bungalow. One of the two bungalow keepers had moved them in to a room upstairs. The leopard had walked up the stairs and the videos were showing how the animal was moving inside the bungalow and even trying to enter the room through the window grills. Around 10pm one of the Bungalow keepers who was downstairs had managed to light a few crackers used to drive away elephants (Ali Wedi) and managed to chase away the leopard. The terrified visitors had hurriedly moved in to the safari jeep they had kept over night for their game drive the next day and driven out of the park. I spoke to the jeep driver Danushka (popularly know and “Take”). Having listened to the account of what had taken place and having watched the video’s that were received I was quite surprised by the abnormal behavior of this animal. I arrived at the park entrance at 3am to ensure that I can enter the park before any one else. Many of the jeep drivers who arrived later were of the view that this is one of the Borupan Cubs that had been seen close to this bungalow in the recent past. I was aware that a male Leopard that was kept in an enclosure close to Maradanmaduwa by the DWC on a capture-rehabilitate and release program had escaped around 19th of December last year. Considering this abnormal behavior I suspected that it could to be the same leopard. But without a proper spot pattern identification there was no way I could be certain of the identity of the animal. Upon a request made by me a Veterinary surgeon attached to the DWC had kindly provided me with a few images of the leopard that was kept in the enclosure to enable me to identify the animal id he was seen in the park.
6.05am entered the park with guide Tissa Ratnayake. I decided to drive to the Lunu Wewa bungalow area expecting that the leopard could still be around.
6.31am a Wild Buffalo between Palu Kola Wala and Maradanmaduwa.
6.32am 11 Spotted Deer and two Golden Jackal at Maradanmaduwa.
6.33am a herd of 8 Wild Buffalo including a small calf at Maradanmaduwa.
6.54am 22 Spotted Deer at Borupan Wila.
7.12am we drove on the Lunu Wewa bungalow road expecting to see the leopard on the road but as we had no luck arrived at the bungalow.
Upon arriving at the bungalow I was surprised to see the Leopard in one of the downstairs bedrooms of the bungalow. Bungalow keepers Nethmin and Asanka informed me that after the visitors had left the leopard had entered the bungalow again they had managed to lock the animal inside the room. The leopard was quite relaxed and was busy feeding on a piece of meat provided by the DWC officials. I photographed the leopard through an open window and compared the spot pattern with the images I had received. I was relieved to note that this indeed is the leopard that escaped from the enclosure in December 2019. Having observed the leopard for about 15 minutes I noted that he was not at all concerned of us being around and exhibited no stress of being kept inside a room. The DWC Officers and the two bungalow keepers had acted extremely intelligently in managing the situation that prevailed and ensured safety of the visitors as well as the safety of this magnificent leopard. It was quite apparent that this animal is not fit to be released in a forest as it had become quite tame and had no fear of human beings. Based on my GPS readings the distance between the enclosure from where the animal escaped and the Lunuwewa bungalow is about 9.5 KM (on a straight line) while the distance from the same through Maha Wewa to Katupaththewa village out side the park is only 7 KM. If this leopard moved out of the park and entered a village it is very likely that he would have suffered a tragic death at the hands of villagers due to its abnormal behavior of seeking human association and entering human dwellings. On the other hand this animal could well have walked up to Kumbuk Wila campsite during the day, where foreign and local visitors are allowed to get off their vehicles, causing absolute pandemonium. It was extremely lucky to have arrived at this bungalow and for this incident to have ended the way it did. Having observed the leopard we left the Lunuwewa bungalow.
The survival of most wild animals depends on their ability to avoid human beings and this is more so when it comes to any large carnivore. Wild leopards will instinctively avoid any contact with humans and even become purely nocturnal and quite elusive when they live close to human habitations. Once a leopard losses its fear of humans and starts seeking human association the opportunity for it to adapt to the wild is almost non-existent considering the extents of wilderness areas in Sri Lanka.
In the forests leopard cubs grow up in a community where territories are maintained. There is also a hierarchy that exists between animals that live in close proximity to each other. Often dominant males will tolerate young male cubs within its territory. When a male leopard such as this one is suddenly introduced to a settled community of leopards he will be attacked and pushed out resulting in the animal having to move for long distances. Considering the smaller size of our national parks this can often result in such leopards even being pushed out of the parks close to human habitations. Young male leopards usually will leave their mother when they reach around 2 years and instinctively move for long distances exploring to find a territories of their own. The female cubs usually do not undertake such long distance travels and will often stay close to their mother’s original territories. A wild male leopard cub learning from its mothers behaviour will avoid humans if they move to areas where there are human habitations and learn how best to hunt and survive in he wild. Without any such opportunities life will become very hard for a caged leopard to be introduced suddenly to a very competitive environment.
I estimated the age of this animal to be around 2 years. After having occupied the enclosure for almost two years this animal would have been driven by its instinct to wonder. In Wilpattu I have recorded some young male leopards leaving their mothers and some times moving as far as 9 to 16 km. In these circumstances it is important for the safety of the animal and people alike for this leopard to be removed from this enclosure as soon as possible and ideally placed at the open zoo at Ridiyagama in Hambantota where his quality of life should be somewhat better than those animals kept in small cages in other zoos.
Later that day I was told that the animal was moved back to the same enclosure from where he once escaped and was quite disturbed to learn that there was discussion to release this leopard in Wilpattu after fitting him with a collar.
I have already written to the Director General of DWC expressing my point of view and have confidence in the senior officials of the DWC to take the right decision in this regard.
7.46am 12 Spotted Deer on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
7.50am a leopard was observed on Kumbuk Wila upper road. N 08.41848, E080.00203
The leopard was lying down on a small patch of sand about 20 feet from the road. It was a male and he walked in to the forest almost as we arrived. I managed to get a few images in the nick of time to identify the animal. It was Nelum Wila Male 5 (NWMC 5).
8.00pm a Ruddy Mongoose on Kumbuk Wila upper road.
8.36am a Lesser Adjutant at Kokkare Villu.
9.23am a Golden Jackal on the road between Tala Wila and Phill Motte.
9.38am a Blue-faced Malkoha permitted a few images at Pallekandal pitiya.
10.04am a troop of Northern Purple-faced Leaf Monkey at the Uththamadaru Bridge.
10.06am a Purple Heron perched among many newly bloomed Scarlet Mallow flowers at Pomparippu.
10.17am a Ruddy Mongoose between Pallekandal pitiya and Phill Motte.
12.20pm a Black-headed Oriole nest between Panikkar Villu and Nelum Wila.
12.32pm 2 Spotted Deer between Panikkar Villu and Nelum Wila.
12.46pm a troop of Grey Langur drinking water from a pool on the road at Madan Gas Wala.
1.00pm a Ruddy Mongoose between Walas Wala and Boralu Wala.
1.11pm 2 Spotted Deer at Thambioluwa.
1.18pm a Flapshell Turtle at Palu Kola Wala.
1.35pm 6 Spotted Deer between Kalagedi Bokkuwa and Thamanna Wala.
2.30pm left the park.
Mammals - Wild Buffalo 9, Spotted Deer 55, Golden Jackal 3, Toque Monkey, Grey Langer, Purple-faced Leaf Monkey, Ruddy Mongoose 3, Giant Squirrel, Indian Palm Squirrel.
Reptiles – Flapshell Turtle 1, Land Monitor, Common Garden Lizard, Low-land Kangaroo Lizard, Devaka’s Fan-throat Lizard.
Birds, Butterflies & Flora observed during the filed trip
Birds – Lesser Adjutant, Painted Storks, White-necked Stork,
Butterflies – Blue Mormon, Banded Peacock, Blue Wanderer, Great Orange tip, Crimson Rose, Common Rose, Lime Butterfly, Lesser Albatross, Tailed Jay,
Wild Orchids – Vanda spathulata
Wild Flowers - Ceylon Osbeckia Osbeckia zeylanica, Chinese Violet Asystasia gangetica, Yellow Bell Bauhinia Bauhinia tomentosa, Indian Cadaba Cadaba trifoliate, Gray Nicker Caesalpinia bonducella, Swamp Foxglove Centranthera indica, Bird Flower Crotalaria laburnifolia, Small Horsefly’s Eye Dopatrium nudicaule, Dwaf Morning Glory Evolvulus alsinoides, Glory Lily, Flame Lily Gloriosa superba, Maple-leaved Mallow Hibiscus eriocarpus, Ceylon Leadwort Plumbago zeylanica
The author visits Wilpattu National Park regularly and will update this website with his field notes and photographs of individual leopards as well as other species of fauna & flora observed in the park. His primary goal in launching this website is to create awareness among the general public of the fascinating bio diversity of the park and to highlight the importance of protecting it for generations to come. The author’s study of the leopards will be of importance for anyone who may be keen to identify the leopards they photograph in Wilpattu and learn more about them.
Anyone who may be interested in using the information or the photographs contained in this website for any educational, research or commercial purpose is kindly requested to contact the author and obtain his consent prior to doing so. ( Email : kithsiri@wilpattu.com )
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