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Common Name : Black Rajah     -       Scientific Name : Charaxes solon       -       Other Name : Kalu Wasurisiya

This is an uncommon brush footed butterfly in the Nymphalidae family. The Black Raja is mainly found in the low country dry zone with occasional sightings in the wet & intermediate zones. This species is found throughout tropical Asia.

The conservation of this species is regarded as “Near Threatened” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna & Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No.22 of 2009.

Most of my sightings of this fast-flying butterfly has been in the low country dry zone areas. Despite them laying their eggs on the leaves of the Tamarind tree, which is common in the wet zone they are quite rare in the wet zone. I have seen it at Ritigala, Panduwsnuwara, Wasgomuwa National Park, and in the Knuckles Forest reserve between Illukumura to Hettipola. On the 31st of October 2009 I was quite pleased to observe this butterfly settled on a discarded mango by a fruit seller at the White Park in Colombo 10. This is my only record so far of this species from the wet zone. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me and when I returned the butterfly was not to be seen. The mango seller was quite amused that I had returned with a camera to photograph the butterfly instead of him. Other than Tamarind Tamarindus indica they are also known to lay eggs on “Jaya Pala” Croton tiglium

This is a very rare butterfly in Wilpattu. I have only seen and photographed this species once so far (June 2024) despite visiting the park at least one every month from 2012. On the 30th of June 2019 upon seeing a large butterfly fly off a small pile of Sloth Bear dung at Walas Wala I noted that it is not a Tawny Raja that has a similar fast flight. Thus, I reversed and waited for it to return. After about 10 minutes the butterfly retuned and to my great happiness it was a female Black Raja.