Wild mushrooms ‹‹ Go Back

Common Name : Common Cinnabar Polypore     -       Scientific Name : Pycnoporus sanguineus       -       Other Name : White rot Saprobic Fungus.

This strikingly colourful reddish orange mushroom of the Polyporaceae family occurs throughout the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. It was discovered on Guana Island which is a part of Virgin Islands. These grow exclusively on dead wood and fallen tree trunks. It is an inedible mushroom due to its tough texture. However, a pigment extracted from the caps of this species, popularly referred to as cinnabrain is widely used for the de-colouration of certain types of dyes in the textile industry. It is also used for preparations in traditional medicine.

In Wilpattu I regularly observe this species during the months of December to April growing on logs and branches on the forest floor.