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Common Name : Common Grass Yellow     -       Scientific Name : Eurema hecabe       -       Other Name : Dethith Thruna peethya

This is a small Pieridae butterfly found throughout the country from the highest mountains down to the sea level including urban areas such as the city of Colombo. This species is found in Asia, Africa and Australia.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

I have seen this species throughout the country and found it to be quite common where the Sickle Senna “Thora” Senna tora grown in abundance. This is the most common of the Grass Yellow’s found in the country. The wide distribution of this species is mostly facilitated by the wide variety of native and introduced host plants they use to lay eggs. These include Cockspur “Kukul Katu” Acasia eburnean, White-bark Acasia “Katu Andara” Acasia leucophloea, Thornless Mimosa Aeschynomene americana, Sola Pith Plant “Maha Diya Siyambala” Aeschynomene aspera, Indian Jointvetch “Heen Diya Siyambala” Aeschynomene indica, Black Siris “Sooriya Mara” Albizia odoratissima, Peacock Flower “Monara Mal” Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Tree Caper Capparis Grandis, Ceylon Senna “Rathu Wa” Cassia roxburghii and Vegetable Hummingbird “Kathurumurunga” Esbania grandiflora.

This is the most commonly seen Grass Yellow species in Wilpattu and they can be seen throughout the park.