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Common Name : Danaid Eggfly     -       Scientific Name : Hypolimnas misippus       -       Other Name : Mimic, Diadem (E), Heen Vidurusiya (S)

This butterfly occurs throughout the country except for the highest hills. Danaid Eggflyis an interesting Nymphalid with a wide global destribution. It is found throughout Africa, Asia and Australia. They are also found in West Indies with some being recorded from central and north America.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

This speceis is well known for polymorphisem and mimicry. The male is similar to the Great Eggfly with white spots fringed with iridicent blue on the inner wings. Females mimic other toxic speceis such as the Plain Tiger and the Monarch Butterfly to avoid predation. I have seen this speceis at many locations in the dry lowlands including all the national parks as well at some locations in the wet zone. In the north I have seen it in the Jaffna pennisula and in the Mannar island. The higherst altitude at which I have recorded this speceis so far (June 2024) has been at Hays estate in Gingala at 1500 meters. In the knukles i have seen at meemure at 1310 meters. The females of this speceis lay eggs on a number of native speceis including Chinees Violet (Puruk) Asystasia gangetica, “Heen Gendha Kola” Portulaca quadrifida, “Gendha kola” Portulaca oleracea, Creeping Belpharis Blepharis maderaspatensis, Erect Snakeherb Dyschoriste erecta.

In Wilpattu the numbers of this butterfly increases during the months of March, November and December. During this season it can be seen settled on bushes during the morning game drives.