Dragonflies ‹‹ Go Back

Common Name : Elusive Adjutant     -       Scientific Name : Aethriamanta brevipennis brevipennis       -       Other Name : Scarlet Marsh Hawk

This small dragonfly with strikingly red abdomen and brownish black head belongs to the Libellulidae family commonly referred to as “Chasers” and can be seen year-round throughout the lowlands. Three subspecies have been recognized of which the nominate race A.b. brevipennis is found in Sri Lanka. This species is found in many Asian countries including India, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Malaysia.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

In Wilpattu I have seen this dragonfly around all forested fresh water bodies.