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Common Name : Flowrpot Parasol Mushrooms     -       Scientific Name : Leucocoprinus sp.       -       Other Name : Plantpot Parasol

Members of this genus belong to the family Agaricaceae. These mushrooms have a widespread distribution in the tropical regions and the genus comprises over 80 species. In their native sites these mushrooms thrive only in hot and humid conditions but the early European explorers who carried many tropical exotic plants from tropical climates unknowingly introduced the spores of these fungi along with the soil in to the green houses all over Europe. They can now be found in plant pots and greenhouses worldwide.

I have observed these mushrooms during the months of October and November at many locations in the park including Kanjuran Villu to Kaali Villu, Panikkar Villu and at Kokkare Villu.