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Common Name : Green-backed Heron     -       Scientific Name : Butorides striata       -       Other Name : Little Green Heron, Striated Heron (E), Kadol Koka, Pala Koka (S)
Wilpattu, Kala Oya
Wilpattu, Kala Oya
Wilpattu, Kala Oya

This small heron is a breeding resident speceis found where water meets shady vegitation throughout the lowlands and up to mid hills. It is a wide spread speceis found from South America across Africa and Asia to Australia.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

I have seen this species along the coast where mangroves are found as well as at inland tanks wherever there is adequate vegetation. It will stand motionless at the edge of the water and launch attacks on unsuspecting fish helped by its long neck. It preys on small fish which are swallowed whole and the bird expresses its excitement upon devouring such a meal with a quick movement of its tail from side to side. The highest altitude at which I recorded this species so far has been Kandy at 472 meters.

In Wilpattu this bird can be seen along the coast at locations such as Gange Wadiya, and along Kala Oya. In November 2022 I photographed one individual at Borupan Wila but it is seldom seen inside the park.