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Common Name : Painted Slippercap     -       Scientific Name : Suillus Sp.       -       Other Name : Slippery Jacks, Butter Mushrooms (E)

These impressive mushrooms belong to the Suillaceae family. Ninty eight speceis have been recognized of this genus so far. They are found throughout the temparate regions of the world. Some speceis of these large mushrooms are edible and are quite populer in the Slavic countries where they are reffred to as Butter Mushrooms.

Many species of Suillus are known to have slimy or slippery caps but the speceis which is found in Wilpattu have clean dry caps. They are of a rubbery texture and are the largest mushroom speceis I have observed in the park. They grow from the ground and are not assocoated with any rotting wood or vegitation. I have seen these impressive mushrooms during the months of September, October, November and December at many locations including Mudu Muwa Wala, Palukola Wala, Kumbuk Wila, Tala Wila, Nelum Wila and Kalagedi Bokkuwa. I also oberved this speceis during a game drive from Wilachchiya to the Weewala Bungalow during the month of May.