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Common Name : Peacock Pansy     -       Scientific Name : Junonia almanac       -       Other Name : Mayura Sandasiya

This beautiful species belongs to the Nymphalidae family and can be seen in most open areas in the lowlands associated with water sources. Other than Sri Lanka it is native to India, countries in Southeast Asia China and Japan.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

I have seen this species mostly around the tank shores and marshy lands throughout the lowlands including the Analathivu island off the coast of Jaffna. They always fly close to the ground in their interesting fast and slow manner and settle on plants few feet off the ground to rest. Occasionally they are seen even within the city of Colombo. The host plants include many native species such as “Neeramulliya” Hygrophila auriculata, “Hadapathwila” Lindernia anagallis, “Kanakokwila” Lindernia antipoda, Tiny Siltwort Lindernia pussila.

This is a very common species found throughout the park in Wilpattu.