This species belongs to the Danaidae subfamily of the Nymphalidae family commonly referred to as Brush-footed butterflies. The Plain Tiger is found throughout the country and is abundant in the northern dry lowlands. It is native to Asia, Africa and Australia.
The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).
This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.
The behaviour of the Plain Tiger is very similar to its cousin the Common Tiger. It is a very rare visitor to our home garden at Colombo 08. I have seen them in small numbers at many marshy lands in and around Colombo. In the dry zone they are plentiful in most open spaces such a fields and tank shores. The highest altitude at which I have recorded this species so fat has been in the Knuckles Forest Reserve at an altitude of 780 meters. The female Plain Tigers will lay their eggs on many native and introduced flora commonly referred to as milkweeds. These include Tropical Milkweed “Kankumbala” Asclepias curassavica, Crown Flower “Wara” Calotrophis gigantea, Dog Strangling Vine “Kankumbala” Cynanchum tunicatum, Small Leaf Milkweed Pentatrophis capensis and Trellis Vine “Maha Medahangu” Pergularia daemia.
This is a very commonly seen butterfly throughout the park.