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Common Name : Purple Swamphen     -       Scientific Name : Porphyrio porphyria       -       Other Name : Purple Coot, Grey-headed Swamphen (E), Kithala (S)
Maha Wewa
Maha Wewa

This is a common breeding resident in the lowland wetlands. The subspecies P.p.poliocephalus is found in the middle east, whole of the Indian subcontinent to southern China and northern Thailand.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

I have seen this species throughout the lowland swamps, wetlands and tanks in both the wet zone and the dry zone from the Jaffna peninsula to the south. It is a common species in the wetlands around the city of Colombo. The Purple Swamphen is not found in the hills and the highest altitude at which I seen this species has been at Lahugala at 216 meters. This is mainly a vegetarian and often can be seen holding a water plant in one foot and raising it up to its beak to feed. This is a common bird in any lowland water body covered with lotus plants or where there are reed beds.

This is not a species commonly seen at Wilpattu since most villus and other waterbodies are clear of reeds and other floating water plants. Maha Wewa is one location where this species can always be seen.