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Common Name : Rose-ringed Parakeet     -       Scientific Name : Alexandrinus krameri       -       Other Name : Ring-necked Parrot, Kramer Parrot (E), Mala Girawa, Rana Girawa (S)

This is a breeding resident species found throughout the country including all the urban areas. The native range of this highly adaptive species was Africa and the Indian subcontinent but due to the pet trade escapes have not established breeding populations in several countries in Europe, Japan and New Zealand.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is one of the 5 species of birds which are not protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

Being a popular and a robust cage bird Rose-ringed Parakeets have been introduced to many areas outside their usual range in Asia and Africa. These birds have managed to expand their range facilitated by global warming and the rising temperatures across the world. Most escapees have managed to establish free flying breeding colonies in many European countries. This species has been subject to the creation of many colour forms in aviculture. It is common to see yellow, blue, lavender and black colour birds for sale in many aviaries.

This is a very common species in Wilpattu and can be seen throughout the park.