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Common Name : Slate Flash     -       Scientific Name : Rapala manea       -       Other Name : Anduru Aseniya

The Slate Flash is a fast-flying butterfly which belong to the Lycaenidae family that occurs throughout the dry lowlands up to mid hills. Despite its wide distribution it is not a common butterfly. Globally it is found in the Indomalaya region.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

I have seen this species at many locations in the dry zone such as at Mahakumbukkadawala and Nilgala. The highest altitude at which I have seen this species so far has been at Kandy at 472meteres above sea level. The female Slate Flash would lay eggs on Indian Jujube “Masan” Ziziphus mauritiana, Ceylon Senna “Rathu Wa” Cassia roxburghii and “Appala” Urena lobate.

This not a regularly seen species in Wilpattui but it occurs throughout the park.