Dragonflies ‹‹ Go Back

Common Name : Sociable Glider     -       Scientific Name : Tramea limbata       -       Other Name : Black Marsh Trotter, Ferruginous Glider

This is a medium sized dragonfly with long anal appendages that belong to the Libellulidae family commonly referred to as “Chasers”. The Sociable Glider is common in the lowlands but can be met me even in the highest hills. It is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa including Madagascar, southern Arabian Peninsula and South Asia.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

This species is common at Wilpattu and can be found in watery habitats throughout the park.