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Common Name : Spanish Cherry Tree     -       Scientific Name : Mimusops elengi (Sapotaceae)       -       Other Name : Muna mal, Singha kesara (S), Melder, Bullet Wood (E)

This is a medium – sized tree found in the intermediate and dry lowland forests and grows to a height of about sixteen meters. It is native to South Asia, Southeast Asia and northern Australia.

The conservation status of this species is considered as “Near Threatened” (National Red List 2020)

This wonderful species is gifted with many valuable attributes. Other than providing shade the creamy white stare shaped flowers of “Muna Mal” produce a very pleasant fragrance. The bright orange fruits are edible and provide a bounty to many animal species. The timber is exceptionally hard and is reddish in coloure.

Throughout its range this tree has been valued for generations for its importance in traditional medicines. Many parts of this tree including the bark, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds contain medicinal properties. The bark is used to improve oral hygiene and to treat mouth ulcers, gum deceases and prevent tooth decay. The bark and leaves are used in preparations to treat digestive ailments such as diarrhea. Flowers and leaves are used in preparations to apply for skin ailments, wounds and infections. Various parts are also used to prepare a tonic to treat respiratory ailments. In Ayurveda this species is referred to as “Bakula”.

This is not a commonly seen species in Wilpattu. I have observed the flowers throughout the year and ripe fruits during the months of January, March, April, June, July November and December. These edible fruits sustain many species of birds and mammals including the Grey Hornbill, Malabar pied Hornbill, Giant Squirrels, Golden Palm and the Common Palm Civets and Fruit Bats.