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Common Name : Spot Swordtail     -       Scientific Name : Pathysa nomius       -       Other Name : Thith Jawasariya

This is one of the most beautiful butterflies in the country and is found mostly in the eastern part of dry lowlands up to mid hills. The Spot Swordtail is a swallowtail butterfly belonging to the Papiliyonidae family. This species of found in South and Southeast Asia

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Vulnerable” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

The only other species of similar looking butterfly in the country, the Five-bar Swordtail Graphium antiphates ceylonicus is a rare beautiful butterfly which is restricted to the few remaining deep rain forests of the wet zone.

I have seen the Spot Swordtail at many locations in the country including Galoya National Park, Wasgomuwa National Park and at Randenigala at an altitude of 214 meters above sea level. The only known host plant of this species is a native species of tree belonging to the Annonaceae family. This tree is referred to as Wooly Miliusa Miliusa tomentosa that grows to a bout 20 meters in height.

This is a seasonal species in Wilpattu where groups of 15 to 20 of them can be seen mud sipping on damp patches on the ground during the months of October and December. It is a spectacular site to see them taking flight as a group upon being disturbed and re alighting on the same patch.