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Common Name : Tailed Jay     -       Scientific Name : Graphium Agamemnon       -       Other Name : Green Spotted Triangle, Tailed Green Jay (E), Pendathi Jawasariya (S)

This is a fast flying and strikingly beautiful swallowtail butterfly found throughout the country which belong to the Papiliyonidae family. Other than in Sri lanka its also native to India, Nepal, through Southeast Asia to Australia.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

I have seen this butterfly throughout the countruy including forested areas, marshes, urban areas and the highest hills. The highest altitude at which I haverecorded this speceis was at Horton Plain National Park at 2300 meters above sea level. This is a very fast flying butterfly which vibrates its wings even when it is settled on a flower to feed. The Tailed Jay is a reguler visitor to our garden at Colombo 08. The many fruit bearing speceis of Annonaceae such as Soursop planted in home gardens and the invasive Pond Apple that is now very common in most wetland habitates has fasilitated for the abindance and wide destribution of this species. The host plants of this species include many of the populer fruits such as Cherimoya “Seeni Anoda” Annona cherimola, Soursop “Katu Anoda” Annona muricata, Custared Apple “Weli Aththa” Annona reticulata, Sugar Apple “Seeni Anoda” Annona squamosa, as well as Pond Apple “Wel Aththa” Annona glabra, Champak Tree “Sapu” Magnolia champaca and Avocado “Ali Geta Pera” Persea americana.

This is a very common speceis in and around Wilpattu National Park.