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Common Name : Three-Leaf Walsura     -       Scientific Name : Walsura trifoliolata (Meliaceae)       -       Other Name : Kiri Koon, Malpedda (S)

This is a tree that is found in the dry lowland forests of the country. It is native to India and Sri Lanka.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red list 2020).

The “Kiri Koon” grows up to a height of about 50 feet and produce large volumes of brownish yellow edible berries relished by many species of birds.

This is a common species found at many locations in Wilpattu. These trees will produce their greenish cream flowers during the month of March where the ends of all branches are covered by clusters of tiny flowers. The trees are laden with ripe berries during the months of June and July.