This is our smallest butterfly. It belongs to the Lycaenide family. This species is found through out tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia and Oceania, north and east costs of Australia and southern Australia.
The conservation status of this species is regarded as Least Concerned (National Red List 2012).
This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.
This species is found through out the country except for the highest hills. It is very common in the dry lowlands including the extreme north. I have found it at the Moratuwa University premises, Hakwatuna Wewa in Kahalla, Haldummulla Anawilundawa, Thale Mannar, Nawadankulama, Nilgala and the Delft Island. This tiny butterfly is usually seen feeding on the smallest of the flowers few inches from the ground at open fields. These butterflies lay their eggs on Nil Puruk Dipteracanthus patulus, Nil Puruk Dipteracanthus prostrates and Phaulopsis imbricate.
This is a very common species at Wilpattu and can be seen in most open locations such as at Kali Villu, Borupan Pitiya and Kumbuk Wila pitiya.