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Common Name : White Orange Tip     -       Scientific Name : Ixias Marianne       -       Other Name : Ela Ramba Thuduwa (S)

This pretty member of the Pieridae family is strctly a denisen of the dry lowlands of the Island. It is native to Sri Lanka and India.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Least Concerned” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

I have seen this butterfly to be most common in nothern and southern the dry lowlands closer to the arid zones. In the north I have seen it in the Jaffna Peninsular, the Delft island and the Analathivu Island and the Mannar island. In the south it is common in Yala and Bundala National Parks. The female White Orange-tips will lay their eggs on the native speceis of flora refered to commonly as Caper including Indian Caper “ Wellangiriya/Wal Dehi” Capparis brevispina, Tree Caper Capparis grandis and Wild Caper “Rila Katu” Capparis sepiaria.

This is a speceis that is regulerly seen at Wilpattu. Their numbers increase towards the nothern parts of the park.