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Common Name : White-rot Fungus     -       Scientific Name : Lentinus sajor-caju       -       Other Name : Kingfisher Mushrooms

This is a species of saprophytic mushroom belonging to the Polyporaceae family. The fruiting bodies of this species are always found as a cluster on dead and decaying wood. The White-rot Fungus is a distant relative of the commercially cultivated and widely consumed Oyster Mushroom and is also an edible mushroom quite similar in taste and texture to its distant relative. It is in fact a. As they emerge the young mushroom is soft and leathery but as it matures and acquires a funnel shaped body becomes quite tough. The White-rot Fungus is found in Central and Southern Africa, throughout South-east Asia down to Australia.
I have seen this species during the month of September at many locations at Wilpattu.