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Common Name : Yellow Pansy     -       Scientific Name : Junonia hierta       -       Other Name : Peetha Sandasiya

This small Nymphalidae butterfly is very rare and is mostly seen from Mannar up to the Jaffna Peninsula. It is native to Africa and Southeast Aasia.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as “Critically Endangered” (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

The author of Butterflies of Ceylon, Bernard d’ Abrera states that the male of this species is perhaps the most strikingly attractive butterfly in the island.

One of the highlights of my study of butterfly fauna in the country was the day I was able finally observe and photograph this species that had eluded me for many years despite looking for it throughout the northern parts of the country. On the 14th of May 2011 while looking for an equally rare bird species, the Indian Courser, I was thrilled to have set my eyes on this species at Arippu. This is a very difficult butterfly to photograph as it is quite shy and would quickly fly off upon being approached. The female Yellow Pansy is known to lay its eggs on the Porcupine Flower “Katu Karandu” Baleria prionitis, Hop-headed Baleria “Ranwan Katu Karandu” Baleria lupulina and Dyschoriste litoralis.

On the 14th of October 2017 I observed a few individuals of this species at Eluwankulama feeding on Ceylon Snowflower “Pupula” Psiadia ceylanica bush that was in bloom. This is my first record of this species from the park and the second location in the country to photogrph this species.

This is an extremely rare butterfly in Wilpattu and as at the date of writing this note 16th June 2024, I have seen it only once despite visiting the park at least every month from 2012.