- 23rd April 2024 4.20pm at Nelum Wila pitiya – KG
- 11th May at 2024 2.08pm at Nelum Wila – Dilan Pahalagamaarachchi

Locations of sightings
Nelum Wila sand Patch, Nelum Wila Pitiya, Kokkare Villu upper road
First Sighting
4.20pm one leopard at Nelum Wila pitiya. N 08.40611, E 079.98820
I spotted a young male leopard walking on the road from Thammanna gaha junction
towards Nelum Wila. He moved into the forest in the direction of Nelum Wila pitiya. I
decided to drive down to the pitiya and observe the behaviour of the Spotted Deer. I
had received images of a young male leopard from this location and suspected it to
be the same leopard. Almost after one hour the deer started making alarm calls and
stamping their feet while looking into the forest. I was not able to spot the cat. I drove
down to the furthest edge of the pitiya, waited for about 5 minutes and drove back.
The leopard was seated at the edge of the forest about 50 meters from where the
deer were still making alarm calls. It was a young male of about 2 years of age. I
managed to get a few good images of the leopard. After about two minutes he
decided to walk across the road in the direction of Nelum Wila sand patch. Just then
a safari jeep arrived and moved too fast resulting the leopard to sprint across and
disappear into the forest. This is my first sighting of this young male. I named it Nelum Wila Pitiya Male 1 with the code NWPM 1 for the purpose of my study.