15th February 2014 at 2.18pm as we approached the Thimiri Wila end of the Borupan Wila we heard frantic alarm call of a troop of Grey Langur. I stopped the vehicle and started to look around but filed to spot any leopard. Around 2.30pm Danushka spotted one leopard, a sub adult male across the water body. N 08.42696, E 080.02039
The young leopard walked on the edge of the forest and was alerted by the presence of an Indian Peafowl that flew off with the approach of the leopard. It walked for about 100 meters in the direction of Borupan Junction and entered the forest. This is my sighting of this animal. I named it Borupan Wila Male 2 (BWMC 2). (With guide podi Danushka)