- 8th July 2016 at 7.30am – Ochchappu Kallu - KG

Locations of sightings
First Sighting
8th July 2016 at 7.40am
8th July 2016 at 7.40am, Leopard at Ochchappu Kallu N 08.49565, E 080.04472
Having heard Grey Langur alarm calls, while having some biscuits at the large boulder with a drip ledge at Ochchappu Kallu, we hurriedly got in to the vehicle and drove about 30 meters from where the alarm calls were being made and parked the vehicle. After some time the intensity of the alarm calls increased and we spotted a sub adult male leopard of about 8-12 months of age in the foliage. It was quite inquisitive but extremely shy and did not break cover. I managed to get only a few record photos, which are adequate for me to see the spot pattern on its forehead. Despite the leopard not stepping in to the open I was thrilled to see a leopard at this location. I named it Ochchappu Kallu Male 1 (OKMC 1). ( with guide Tissa)