- 30th July 2016 at Kanjuran Villu with KJF 1 – KG
- 18th April 2021 5.45pm between Manik Wila and Kuruttupandi Villu mating with Nelum Wila male 5 (NWMC 5) – Indika Nettigama

Locations of sightings
Kanjuran Villu
First Sighting
30th July 2016 at 6.02pm
30th July 2016 at 6.02pm 2 Leopards at Kanjuran Villu. N 08.45680, E 079.95770.
It was an adult female with its playful female cub. As the vehicle moved in to the forest the two leopards moved in to the forest. I turned the vehicle and stopped the engine expecting them to come out. After a few minutes the mother walked out followed by a female cub. I estimated the age of the female to be around 4 years. The cub was about 6 months old. They were quite relaxed and it was a joy to see them play on the “Kok Mota” fields. After some time the cub moved towards the villu and drank. We left them, as we had to reach Eluwankulama. This is my first sighting of these two leopards. I named the female Kanjuran Villu Female 1 (KJF 1) and the cub Kanjuran Villu female 2 (KJFC 2). (with guide Tissa Ratnayake)