- 18th August 2016 7.26am on Pomparippu road, ½ km from Pilli Motte – KG
- 26th April 2017 5.49pm on Pomparippu Road – Pathum Neeliya

Locations of sightings
Pomparippu Road, 1/2 KM from Pilli Motte.
First Sighting
18th August 2016
18th August 2016 at 7.26am one leopard on the Pomparippu road. N 08.37702, E 079.89900
About half a kilometer before reaching Pilli Motte on the Pomparippu road a Leopard was seen seated on the road. Just as we spotted the leopard moved in to the forest. I immediately told the jeep driver to stop the vehicle. After a few minutes the leopard cautiously moved back on to the road and sat on its hunches. It was a young female leopard and I estimated its age to be around 2 years and 6 months. She looked in our direction for some time then turned its head in the opposite direction and called out twice. Thereafter she walked for about 50 meters and moved back in o the forest. This is my first sighting of this leopard and the 45th leopard I have photographed in the park. I named it Pomparippu Road Female 1 (PPRF 1). (With guide Tissa Ratnayake)