- 19th August 2017 3.00pm at Aalam Villu with PVFC 2 - KG

Locations of sightings
Pilli Motte
First Sighting
18th August 2017 at 6.15am
18th August 2017 at 6.15am one Leopard at Pilli Motte. N 08.37278, E 079.89649
We spotted it moving in to the forest from the direction of the water hole. Having walked a few feet it lied down at the foot of a large tree. Even though it’ s view was obstructed by the under growth but I managed to get a few images to help with the identification. After about 10 minutes with the arrival of another safari jeep the Leopard stood up and walked in to the forest. It is a male leopard of about 5 years of age. This is my first sighting of this animal and I named it. Pilli Motte Male 2 (PMM 2) With guide D.M.Wasantha