Leopards of Wilpattu Photo Gallery

Mara Wila Female 1 - MRWF 1

Locations of sightings

Mara Wila

First Sighting

9th March 2019 at 2.04pm

  • 9th March 2019 at 2.04pm a Leopard close to the Mara Wila camp site.  N 08.49214, E 079.92104

    Less than 100 meters prior to reaching the Mara Wila camp site area we spotted a leopard sleeping under a bush by the side of the road. I stopped the vehicle and turned off the engine. It was a young female Leopard and was not disturbed by us being parked about 25 feet from where she was lying down. I estimated her age to be around 3 years. We were able to observe and photograph the Leopard for about 40 minutes before she was alerted by two male Indian Peafowl and stalked them through the forest. The Peafowl detected her presence and flew off. She walked across the campsite area and moved in to the forest. This is my first sighing of this female and I named her Mara Wila Female 1 (MRWF 1) (with guide Tissa Ratnayake)

  • Mara Wila Female 1-MRWF 1 - 9th March 2019 at 2.04pm Mara Wila Female 1-MRWF 1 - 9th March 2019 at 2.04pm Mara Wila Female 1-MRWF 1 - 9th March 2019 at 2.04pm Mara Wila Female 1-MRWF 1 - 9th March 2019 at 2.04pm Mara Wila Female 1-MRWF 1 - 9th March 2019 at 2.04pm