Leopards of Wilpattu Photo Gallery

Borupan Pitiya Male 1 - BPM 1

Locations of sightings

Borupan Wila, Borupan Pitiya, Thimbiri Wila, Kokkare Villu upper road, Walas Wala, Kumbuk Wila pitiya

First Sighting

8th March 2020 at 12.41pm

  • 27th June 2023 at 9.34am one leopard at Nelum Wila pitiya. N 08.40674, E 079.98572
    The leopard was lying on the edge of the forest and was visible from a narrow gap in the foliage. Managed to get a few images and moved out to permit others also to have a view. It was Borupan Pitiya Male 1 (BPM 1), the same leopard seen at this location on the 24th.

  • Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 27th June 2023 at 9.34am Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 27th June 2023 at 9.34am
  • 24th June 2023 at 4.47pm One leopard at Nelum Wila pitiya. N 08.40615, E 079.98927
    It was a mature male and was lying in the shade of a bush. The intense heat of the day appears to have made the predator tired and he was dosing off even while having its head up. Occasionally, it would look in our direction but continued its sleep. Examination of its spot pattern confirmed that it was Borupan Pitiya Male 1 (BPM 1).

  • Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 24th June 2023 at 4.47pm Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 24th June 2023 at 4.47pm
  • 2nd April 2023 at 4.25pm one leopard at Nelum Wila sand patch. N 08.40164, E 079.98103

    I was driving past Nelum Wila sand patch and spotted the leopard walking ahead. As I reched the spot he moved into the forest. It was a mature male and I drove pass the leopard as he disappeared into the forest. Having driven for about 300 meters I turned the vehicle and parked about 100 meters from where he entered the forest expecting him to move back to the road. 20 minutes passed and there was no sign of the leopard. I decided to drive up to the sand patch. I drove up and turned at the sand patch and still there was no sign of the leopard. But on my return spotted him lying on the road. Thank fully he remained on the road for a few minutes and upon being harassed by some insects walked on to the opposite side of the road. It was Borupan Pitiya Male 1 (BPM 1). I watched him for some time and left as I had to reach the park entrance by 6.15pm.

  • Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 2nd April 2023 Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 2nd April 2023
  • 19th December 2021 at 4.30pm one leopard between Panikkar Villu and Nelum Wila. N 08.39967, E 079.97592

    The adult male leopard and was walking in the direction of Nelum Wila. I followed him for a short distance. He marked the trees on either side and after about 5 minutes moved into the forest.  Having waited for a few minutes I drove up to the point where the cat walked off the road and saw him walking back in the direction of the road. I quickly drove ahead, turned the vehicle, keeping about 40 meters from a bend and waited, expecting the leopard to walk down the road. Few long minutes passed and there was no sign of the leopard. Then I heard the alarm call of an Indian Palm Squirrels and distress calls of White-browed Bulbuls beyond the bend. In a few seconds the leopard appeared on the road, and I managed to get some images as he walked in my direction. The leopard was quite bold and walked almost up to the vehicle and stop until I reversed to give it space to continue its walk. He walked up to the Nelum Wila sand patch and moved into the forest. It was Borupan Pitiya Male 1 (BPM 1). This leopard was first observed in November 2019 around Borupan Wila and by mid 2020 moved close to Nelum Wila. He has been in this area since then and appear to be expanding his territory in the direction of Panikkar Villu.

  • Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 19th December 2021 at 4.30pm Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 19th December 2021 at 4.30pm Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 19th December 2021 at 4.30pm Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 19th December 2021 at 4.30pm Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 19th December 2021 at 4.30pm
  • 9th March 2020 at 9.40am one Leopard at Borupan pitiya. N 08.42391, E 080.02543

    On my way from Maradanmaduwa many jeep drivers informed us that they had observed a male leopard at Borupan pitiya in the morning. Upon arriving at the location I was fortunate to spot the leopard among the dried grass (Boru Pan Eleocharis dulcis). After lying at the edge of the grass filed for a few minutes the young male leopard moved through the grass towards Borupan pitiya Wala. Perhaps he was keen to drink at the small pool. I signaled the others to wait until the leopard reached the pool. But unfortunately the guests in a few vehicles were impatient and reversed at great speed disturbing the leopard. Much to our dismay he stopped and started walking in the opposite direction. Thankfully the vehicles gave him space this time with the more experienced jeep drives stopping at a distance to allow adequate space for the animal to cross the road. After a bit of hesitation the leopard crossed the road that leads to Lunu Wewa and walked in to the forest in the direction of Vilanda Wala. Upon checking the spot pattern I was pleased to note that this is Borupan Pitiya Male 1 (BPM 1) that I photographed yesterday. ( with guide Tissa Ratnayake)

  • Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 9th March 2020 at 9.40am Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 9th March 2020 at 9.40am Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 9th March 2020 at 9.40am Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 9th March 2020 at 9.40am
  • 8th March 2020 at 12.41pm one Leopard at Borupan pitiya. N 08.42414, E 080.02631

    We arrived at Borupan pitiya and my attention was immediately drawn at a female Indian Peafowl with three chicks in the open filed. Her neck feathers were puffed up and her agitated behavior indicated the presence of a predator. Our search was fruitful as we spotted a young male leopard at Borupan pitiya. It was a very brief sighting where we observed the leopard walking in to the jungle from a small patch of foliage. However upon examination of its spot pattern I was able to identify the leopard as the Borupan pitiya Leopard 2 that I had listed under Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section. I was pleased that I finally managed to see this Leopard but wished I had a better sighting. As this is my first sighting of this animal I named it Borupan Pitiya Male 1 (BPM 1). Its estimated age is around 2 years and 4 months. ( with guide Tissa Ratnayake)

  • Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 8th March 2020 at 12.41pm Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 8th March 2020 at 12.41pm Borupan Pitiya Male 1-BPM 1 - 8th March 2020 at 12.41pm