- 24th September 2020 4.17pm at Palu Kola Wala - KG

Locations of sightings
Plau Kola Wala
First Sighting
24th September 2020
24th September 2020 at 4.17pm one Leopard at Palu Kola Wala. N 08.36338, E 080.10028
It was a male and was lying behind some bushes on the bund across the water at Palu Kola Wala. I got a few shots and drove down to turn the vehicle by which time he had disappeared in to the forest. I estimated its age to be around 6 years. Later upon examining the spot pattern I realized that this is not a leopard that I have photographed. I gave it the code Palu Kola Wala Male 1 (PKWM 1) (with guide Sampath Ananda)