- 5th September 2021 6.02pm between Ranawara Pitiya and Kone Gaha Ela - KG

Locations of sightings
Ranawara Pitiya, One Gaha Ela
First Sighting
5th September 2021 at 6.02pm
Upon spotting the leopard the vehicle ahead of me stopped and the cat moved into the forest and sat on its hunches. His face was covered by foliage. I reversed my vehicle a little so that I had a less obstructed view and managed to get a few images of its head adequate for identification. The next moment the leopard moved further into the forest. Later upon examining the spot pattern I was surprised to note that this is a new leopard and I had not even received images of this cat from any one earlier. I named it Ranawara Pitiya Male 3 (RPM 3) for the purposes of my study.